Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Week 7!!

Hola familia e amigos!

Monday is officially my new pday because I'm out in the field baby! More on that in a sec, first lets talk about my final days in the CCM!

Truly I'm going to miss that place so much. I met so many people who mean so much to me and I learned so much! Not much to say about the last days in the CCM but we had some bomb lessons and the teachers had farewell parties for us and stuff haha. Hermano Ordoñez said that my companion and I were the best missionaries in the lessons! My last pday, I took a picture and said goodbye to president Bennett. What a guy, he is who I want to be when I grow up. Also he said that he rarely emails the mission presidents about the incoming missionaries but he said that he would call president Kimball about me. Woohooo! Haha I loved developing a relationship with President Bennett, and I'll miss him. 

Now to the field!!! I left this morning at five AM and we arrived in Pachuca a couple hours later! So when we arrived in Pachuca and got our bags, we were waiting for Pres and Sister Kimball and then in the distance we see two gringos sprinting towards us and sure enough it was them!! Haha what a great first impressions! They sprinted to give us hugs and welcome us! They are so full of energy and I already love them so much! We then all went to the historical clock made by the English to take pics. I got to drive with President Kimball and we got in a good conversation! He runs so much with his wife and they always go to the national Parks in the area, apparently its gorgeous. They're from Provo so it'll be fun to keep in touch after the mish too. But I love them so much! They are very adventurous and very chill. We have our entire area open to us on pdays and the options are endless! We're going to get to see the pyramids often too!

So President Kimball has a very strong belief that the city of Teotihuacan was the area that Christ came to visit in the Americas! Because it was the biggest city in all of the area at the time, and there's a lot of signs of the Book of Mormon! There are statues in Tula which is close to Teotihuacan and the statues are literally in temple clothes! They are thought to be from the Jaredites! HOw cool right!!? This could very well be the very area that Christ came. President Kimball calls this the 3rd Nephi mission! So my first interview with Pres Kimball..... wow. I was so amazed! He started off by talking about when he was called as pres and the advice that the apostles gave him. He said that his goal is to make us truly converted, and all of our descendants as well. So his motto has been to live and make decisions exactly as the savior would! That's how im going to strive to make all my decisions in the mission as well. But guys.. as soon as he talked about following the saviors example, he talked about how one of the last things the savior did, even though he couldve done thousands of other things, was wash the feet of his apostles, and how important that was. So as soon as he summarized that story, he then asked me if I would allow him to polish my shoes. He then proceeded to get on his knees and shine both of my shoes in complete silence. Wow guys. This may not seem like a big deal but it meant so much to me. I felt so uncomfortable and unworthy to have my president polishing my shoes and I'm sure that's how the apostles felt. The silence gave me time to reflect on the importance of service and meekness. I really appreciated that he did that. What a man, I've already learned so much from him. So at the end of the interview, he talked to me about my new companion! So my new companion's name is Elder Howell!!! And yes he is a gringo! But don't be fooled though guys, he is a wizard with spanish because he's been out here over a year! Pres testified of his hard work ethic and his strong feeling to put us together. Usually gringos are put with Latinos but he things we can do a lot of good together! He expects a lot from us! And he told us to not get in the trap of just speaking English, which is very important. Elder Howell is also the zone leader, so I'll get to see how the leadership works here too!

Elder Howell is from Idaho and he is such a stud! He played football and basketball and he's very good with the people here! I'm so excited to learn from him, and it'll be nice to be able to ask him how to say things 24/7 haha. And the area that I was assigned to..... drumroll......... MIXQUIAHUALA!!! Give that word a shot haha, it took me a hot sec to learn.

Guys this place is insane. It's just a tiny little outskirt and unfortunately it's pretty dangerous. There is a lot of robbery and all of the houses are completely barred. Our house even has broken glass on the top of the wall to keep people out haha. We scored on our house though, its so nice! When we first arrived, we couldnt get the key to work for like 30 minutes, so then I helped Elder Howell over the wall, which was no easy feat haha, and we finally got it open haha. The house is super hot but we cant open the windows because there are dangerous bees right outside our house! Haha this place is low key creepy. And I'm genuinely scared about the food, I've heard some crazy stories. These people are so humble and poor and offer the craziest food. Our mission leader here is the one who picked us up and took us to our house, he's super nice! It was super fun to just ride in the back of his truck to our house and see where I'll be living the next lil while! There are legit no rules here so there are lots of motorcycles stacked with like four people haha. There are lot of farms in this place and so there are just sheep and dogs that chill out everywhere, including in the streets too haha. 

Elder Howell and I are white washing this area so neither of us know anything! We don't know the members, places to go, or anything! Quite the challenge and adventure that I'm super excited for! I feel so clueless but I'm sure I'll get the hang of things soon. It's hard bc I just want to talk like my companion right now but I know it'll take time. He told me I know a lot more than he did when he was knew so I think I'm off to a good start. There is just so much slang here, it's like a different language! 

I feel so blessed to be here. There is nothing like this. So much unknown but so much potential! I can't wait to get to work as soon as I send this email. 

The hand of God is all around us. Please record experiences of when you have seen it so that you can look back and see how merciful God has been to us. One of the things that I liked from one of my teachers last messages was a video he showed us from Elder Holland. Elder Holland said that a mission is not going to be easy, because salvation is not easy! Why did we ever think it was? It is very difficult to follow Christ, and that is why only few find the true path and follow it. Salvation isn't easy but the rewards are more than worth it. We have the opportunity to live with our families with dominion never ending in eternal life! Do whatever it takes to obtain this. And don't forget to enjoy life and have fun along the way as well, it truly is a gift.

With love,
Elder Millard

p.s. this internet cafe is the worst and deleted half of this email when I finished it the first time so sorry for the rambling haha. Also it wont let me send pics so you are just gonna have to imagine how truly beautiful this area is. Next week we are going to try and find a better internet cafe. But check out mexicopachucamission.blogspot.com to check out the pics Hermana Kimball takes! Until next week!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Week 6 Last of the CCM!

Hola familia e amigos!!

How are all of you doing! You a reading an email from an uncle to two brand new nephews and one brand new niece! Congrats Tiff and Kryss! Im excited to meet those thygerlets and lovelets. 

This is my final email from the Central de Capacitacion Misional en Mexico!! Wow time flies. Twas a great past week! We started having mission field orientation where they taught us more about our purpose and working with members and stuff, we also have all of our plans for our departure! I will be leaving at four AM this coming monday to PACHUCA!!! I don't think you guys understand my excitement. Literally everyone is jealous of missionaries going to pachuca. The people are so open to hear the message and they will take good care of us! The weather is basically paradise and there is so much potential to teach there!! Words cannot describe how bad I just want to be there right now! I've also heard only incredible things about my mission pres and I can tell we are going to be really good friends.

So this week, the hot topic of the CCM was obedience. There were some things that happened with some of the district leaders getting in trouble and pres Bennett wasnt so thrilled. He had all the zone and district leaders skip breakfast to come to a meeting about obedience. He said that we have all made covenants in the temple concerning being exactly obedient. His main point was that if we are covenant keepers, then he won't have to worry about us keeping the CCM and mission standards. It was a great wake up call for all of us. Some district leaders were sent home. We are all now striving to be exactly obedient and making sure our district do the same. It really is so important to be obedient our entire lives. Christ was perfectly obedient. Obedience is the way we can qualify to receive blessings! I love how in Mosiah 2 it talks about how we owe everything to our God, even the air we breathe, and all he asks of us is to keep his commandments. Be obedient folks! 

In one of the mission field orientations, we had a fake baptisimal interview with a video of a guy on skype. We start the fake little interview, and the person is Brother Hess!! Hahahah I was dying!! I couldnt hear his voice because there was a spanish voice over his but holy moly that was hilarious. I've seen so many people I know in the church videos haha. Jackson McBride's mom is in a different video than the one I already saw her in, Megan Charlesworth is in another. I love to be from Utah County and just know so many people involved in the church haha.

Being zone leader has been great! One of our district was one of the ones that got in trouble because of the district leaders, so we actually have another district leader for that district now haha. But it`s been fun to get to know so many more people and have great zone meetings every saturday night! My favorite parts of those saturday night meetings are always the testimonies. I decided that the district that would be leaving the upcoming monday should bear their testimonies in that meeting and its been so powerful! It'll be me and my district bearing our testimonies this saturday!!

I was able to help out with the example of a lesson for the new batch of missionaries again! This time I was roleplaying as one of the missionaries! And this time I didnt know any of the missionaries in the room so that made it easier to roleplay haha. So the first time we taught, it was supposed to be a bad example on purpose so the new missionaries can find ways to critique us. When we had time for their comments, they did not hold back hahaha I don't know if they understand that we were bad on purpose but their were elders raising their voices at us and I was actually really close to laughing haha. But its always fun to roleplay for them, and that was the last I'll be able to do it!

So every night I help out my comps a little bit in their efforts to learn English! So a few nights ago Elder Bolaños told me that with all of the letters ive been getting (shoutout to Sheri, Maddi, and my mom) he wants to try and translate some! So I picked one of the funniest letters that Sheri sent me and he went off translating!! It was the funniest thing trying to explain Sheri's humor in spanish! Definitely impossible, but it was great practice for Elder Bolaños! I sincerely look up to his efforts of trying to learn English! Elder Rivas on the other hand, has no desire to learn even though its a rule to. Hahaha what a guy. President Eves asks Elder Rivas how his English is every time he sees him and Elder Rivas just laughs hahaha. We switch off who says the prayers in English every night, and in order to get Elder Rivas to pray in English, me and the other elders steal his blanket until he'll say it hahahha. He's perfectly capable of doing it, I translated one of his prayers in spanish, but he just wont do it! Its so funny haha. Honestly though Elder Rivas is great. I've had some hard times with him but I've learned a lot and we have a good relationship now. It's crazy I only have four days left with him!

My district never ceases to amaze me!! I love them so much! There is an Elder Bencomo who is serving in Pachuca until he gets his visa for SLC baby!! So he knows pretty good english and he's been helping me out with some of the complex forms of spanish! One night I walked in to our classroom and they all started betting on what leader I'll be when I'm older. They came to the conclusion that either I'll be the prophet or an apostle or the CCM president hahahaha. Legit though, I would love to come back and serve a mission here with my future wife. This place is so special and I'm so glad I wasnt sent to provo hahaha.

Spanish is such a blessing in my life. It is also such a trial in my life. But things are getting a lot better and I'm hopeful for the future! I love a quote that Sheri sent me that says "To know another language, is to posess another soul" which is so true! I have to find different ways to express myself because there are many times not direct translations. I love it! Also in my green book that I love with my whole heart and that I learn most of my spanish said "One who does not know another language, knows nothing about his own" deep huh. Honestly though haha I have learned so much from this beautiful language and I'm so excited to be fluent one day.

Everything is good here in the CCM! This place will always hold a special place in my heart, the spirit is so strong here. During personal study the other night, I was studying at the tables outside with Elder Rivas and then I looked up and so the most amazing sunset. I put my book down, stood up, and just gazed at the sunset for a little while. I felt so much peace and love in that moment that all of my hard work will pay off and that I have a lot of support from heavenly father and my family in all my endeavors. I also felt strongly that Jesus Christ really did create all things. There's no way that sunset created itself. There is a supreme creator, and his name is Jesus Christ. Alma 30:44 has been a life saver in my life and in lesson with investigators. "All things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a supreme creator" Wow I love that scripture. We are so blessed to have this world.

We got to go to the temple again today! This time we got to see one of the newer films, and once again I listened in Spanish! I was able to feel the spirit so much stronger this time and I was really moved by the film. It spends a lot of time on the creation and it made me realize how amazing this universe is, and the things that God has prepared for us. And the best part is that he has prepared a way for us to become like him! Romans 8:17-18 says "The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together" ummmm ok no big deal..... WHAT!? We have have the opportunity to be joint-heirs with Christ which means the we can have everything that he has. We are so blessed guys. Do your absolute best to be strictly obedient, and do not your will, but the will of him who sent us. Then we will be blessed for our efforts.

I love you all so much, and I am so lucky to have this opportunity to serve a mission. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. I'm just glad I still have more than 22 months ahead of me and the field is so close!! I cant wait any longer!!

Elder Millard

P.S. I tried to get picks with a lot of the people I know since it's my last pday but I failed and only found two haha. I went to the temple today and missed the rest of them. So you can just imagine the other pics with Joe Felix, John Francis, Lexi Reeves, and Luke Smith haha.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Week 5!

Hello my wonderful friends and family!! 
how are you all doing!?? I have so much I want to share with you all! So first things first my companion! His name is Elder Rivas and he's from El Salvador! He is super chill and nice. But unfortunately he is hands down the hardest person to understand in the entire CCM. His super duper quiet little voice combined with the mumbled,slurred, and fast words, is a no go for Elder Millard. I probably understand 30% of what he tells me. Guys the Latinos can't even understand this guy! How is a guy like me supposed to be capable? Hahaha i think that if I learn to understand him, I will be set for the rest of the mission. So I have been kind of disappointed regarding the companionship because when I decided to switch districts, I was looking forward to having an upbeat ready to go companion that would help me learn spanish! Instead I got one who says 10 words every day. Don't get me wrong, I´m grateful for the opportunity to learn something from this. I know that I am placed with every companion I have, for a reason. I´m excited to grow from this but wowzers it has been difficult. 

On a brighter note, my district!!! Guys I am in love with my district! It's just so so so cool because they come from all around the world, and I get to learn so much from each of them!! The two other Elders in my room in the casa are both absolutely incredible. Even though I can't get in much conversation with Elder Rivas, I am on a roll with Elder Bolaños and Elder Chavez. They are the real MVP's. Also my new teachers are really good too! I am blessed to with so many opportunities to learn from quality people. 

So I have some words regarding Elder Bolaños who is in my same living quarters. He is such a quality guy and we hit it off as soon as we met each other. None of the three Elders in my living quarters speak any English, so I have had the amazing opportunity to teach it to them! Elder Bolaños is the only one who is taking initiative and actually trying to learn this language and I really appreciate his effort! It makes me so happy when he tries so often to say different things. And at the same time, it is the most fun thing I have like ever done haha. I've taught him all the basics and I've had him practice with some other gringo Elders. I feel like a proud father when he says "Whats up??" and "How are you doing" and the other Elders are just in awe hahaha. Elder Bolaños would say "Are you curing me" soooo often towards the beginning of the district so I did my duty and told him it is actually pronounced "are you kidding me?" and now he says it at the perfect moments and it's just the funniest things. He will also always say "Whatchu say??" and everything is just so funny because he's got his thick Columbian accent.

So it's actually a requirement in our distrct for the Latinos to be able to pray in English the first week and share their testimonies in english the second week. So it hasn´t just been Elder Bolaños who has needed my help. One common thing I have found is how hard the "th" sound is for them! It's legitimately impossible for them! My Teacher will always say "When latinos count in English, it goes: uno, dos, arbol, cuatro" because arbol means tree and whenever they try and say "Three" it definitely sounds like tree hahaha. That makes it hard during prayers because we say "we thank thee" so often and they just always say "we tank tee" hahaha but they are all progressing and it is my favorite thing in the world to hear their prayers in English every night. 

So my birthday was super good! I was already in the Latino district at that time and the Elders in my living quarters woke me up by singing happy birthday in english with a little cup of cereal for me! It was just what I needed haha. That was all that I needed, the rest of the day I basically forgot I had just turned 19! But one of the best birthday presents of the day was when I got to leave the CCM to go to my comps dentist appointment. At first I was kind of annoyed that I had to go but it turned out to be amazing! It´s always fun to see the city. But get this. I had to wait for no joke two hours during my comps appointments and I was just waiting in the waiting room among the other patients. So of course I started talking to them! I ended up talking to this woman for about 30 minutes and I was able to converse really well with her! Long story short, she is going to ask for a book of mormon from her nephew who is a member, and she really seemed interested in reading it! It was such a cool experience to teach her. Even though I lacked the words for a lot of things I wanted to say, I know we could feel the spirit and who knows, maybe she'll end up getting baptized! It got me really motivated for the mission field. At times its hard to keep the motivation in the CCM because you´re not out among the people you want to teach! I am really grateful I had the opportunity to do that. 

The night before my birthday, the other Elders and I were in bed about to fall asleep when we noticed the light was on in another room. None of us wanted to get up so Elder Bolaños decided he was gonna try and work his magic and say "tres, dos, uno" and then clap. When he clapped nothing happened, so I told him "es porque usted no tiene el poder". - "you dont have the power!" now it was my turn. I said "tres, dos, uno" and you better believe those lights shut off at the exact moment I clapped my hands. We were all basically in tears because we were laughing so hard. It was honestly probably the climax of my life up to this point. It´s not gonna get much bettter than that. 

I got to play the piano for another devotional! And truly it never gets old! Yet again is was such a fun experience. The music directors husband came up to me after a practice and said that he has already told Hermana Kimball (my mission presidents wife) about my piano skills so it looks like I have something to live up to haha. One sad thing about this past devotional though was my terrible cough! I have been a wreck the past few days! I was sitting up on stand, next to all of the CCM president during the devotional in front of the entire CCM and I had to get up and leave for a while because I was coughing so hard. Sad day. I hope that will get better soon. Right before the choir performed, I was looking out in the audience and I made eye contact with Madeline Black! She had just arrived that day! Ahhhh it was so fun to see her, and Lexi Reeves who I worked with last summer. Joe Felix, and Luke Smith also arrived tuesday! I love living in Utah county haha.

So yesterday, my teacher asked me to come and be an investigator for the new batch of missionaries that had just arrived, so during service time, I changed into normal clothes, without my tag, and had to look as much like an investigator as possible. So I ended up being the investigator for two different group and it was so much fun! But guys. Let's just say I was probably the worst choice to be an investigator. They usually try and make it hard to know if the person is a fake investigator or not but I was sooooo obvious haha. Heres why. 1) I had played piano in the devo the night before. 2) I only have mountain view shirts so everyone knew that I was from orem and was probably mormon. 3) I knew at least one of the missionaries in each of the classes I was the investigator for and it took all of me to not burst out laughing when I saw them. Haha Madeline was just in the back laughing the entire time. Moral of the story, they should not pick people from utah county to be investigators if they´re trying to make it seem realistic hahaha. Good times.

Every day since I came into this district, Elder Bolaños would sing "and I........ will always love you" and it is the funniest thing. Probably not an hour goes by without that song. There are so many other ones that they ask me to sing and it´s so hard to control myself because that´s a way I can connect with Latinos! We definitely jammed out to let it go, by passenger, and mine by bazzi, and all of their other favorites. But only for a few seconds and then we'd go to hymns haha. I love my district so much. There is an Hermana names Hermana Genis and she makes me laugh soooo hard hahaha. She has the female equivalent of a Mason Peterson laugh for all of you who know Mason hahaha. We are so bad for each other because we will just laugh for so long haha. There is an Hermana Gonzalez in our distrct who is fluent in english and soanish so she has been super helpful too. My district is the best.

We had an Elder named Elder Gonzalez who had to go home this morning. Yesterday we had such a powerful testimony meeting regarding repentance. We were all bawling the entire time. Elder Gonzalez is doing a hard thing to go back home and make things right. But it´ll be worth it when he returns. I really value all of the testimonies in my district, and I was able to understand all of their testimonies when we all talked about repentance. This is what it's all about. We invite people to repent and come unto Christ. I hugged Elder Gonzalez in tears for at least three minutes after his testimony. He is so strong, but he needs the support of his peers and family and God to get through this. I´ll never forget last night. 

Things are good here in the CCM! I get to run with Garrett Faragher sometimes which is good, it still rains so hard so much hahaha. I get at least ten quarter size mosquito bites every night, and most of our free time in our living quarters is chasing those buggers around and trying to kill them haha! I have woken up in pain from those bites, and from my cough but I feel strengthened to still be completely compatible to push forward and get to work.

Today I got to go to another dentist appointment! this time I brought a book of mormon! I was able to talk to two different people and it was so amazing! It was so frustrating to not be able to speak my mind clearly but I was able to give away a book of mormon to a guy who is genuinely interested now! A CCM worker who drove us to the dentist said that my ability to just talk to everyone is going to be what brings me success in the field. It´s been such a cool thing to already be out preaching to the people outside the CCM walls while I'm still in the CCM!

And I´m gonna need another drumroll...... I´m zone leader again!!! HAha i thought I was off the hook! Me and Elder Rivas are now the zone leaders over four district! Three of which our latin! I´m looking forward to working again in this position.

We got to go to the Mexico City temple today and it was so awesome! It was so cool to do the session in spanish. It's a beautiful temple!

I am so blessed to be in a Latin district. I am sooooo happy I made the change. I have developed amazing relationships with all of the people in my ditrict. I love them all so much. They have so much experience in different cultures that I love to learn from. Out of the 11 people in my district, so many of the countries in south america are accounted for. I love them all so much, and I love my mission so much. I have felt the spirit so strong here, especially in the scriptures.

To be straight up, I have always had a hard time with prayer, I struggle to find it´s power and influence, but the power is always manifested in the incredible scriptures. And particularly the Book of Mormon. So many verses have struck me so hard. It´s crazy how sometimes you can read a verse and it wont really mean anything but then youll read it at a different time and it can change your life.

I recently came across Alma 56: 44-48 and it hit me pretty hard. Helaman was giving a speech to the strippling warriors before battle and he said "Therefore what say ye my sons, will ye go against them to battle?" now they had never fought before, but they cared more about the lives of their fathers than of their own. and helaman said "yea, they had been taught by their mothers that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them." the strippling warriors said "we do not doubt our mothers knew it". I am so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing mother. She has taught me that God will deliver me if I do not doubt. I am ready to go to battle because of her. I am ready to face any challenge with her help, and the Lords help. Guys we all have trials and struggle, but if we do not doubt, god will deliver us. I testify that is true. He has given us the scriptures as a guide in our lives. We also have our amazing families and wards to help out. I know all of you can overcome anything, if you do not doubt. So what say ye, my family and friends, will ye go against them to battle?

Elder Millard

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Week 3 1/2

Hola familia y amigos!!

I get to email today because I am officially transferring to a latin district!! We don't have a p-day for our first week so the next time I email will be next thursday. I'm so excited for this next stage of the CCM! I have to do all the welcomes and orientations again because the Latin District I'm with is brand new! That's because my last three weeks will be spent with their only three weeks here! My new companion is from El Salvador! I will meet him in about 30 minutes haha. This is about to be one of the hardest things I ever do. I'm going to have to teach myself the rest of the grammar and irregulars. My teacher probably doesn't know English, and most likely no one in my new district does either. I am going to have to learn basically by experience and trial and error haha. I may be able to get a little help from my old teachers every once in a while but I guess we'll just wait and see.

Not too much to report from the past five days, but you better believe I'm still loving it here! I was able to get closer to my companion, and help him with some of the things he's going through. He really is such a hard worker, and he will do great things in his mission. I am, however, so excited to speak solely in spanish from now on with my new companion! I am going to be learning so much faster than I am right now.

It rains so so so so much here haha. Pres Bennett said that if there's one thing he's learned while he's been here, it's that if it looks like its going to rain, its going to rain haha. Last sunday, we couldn't even here a lesson in a building because it was raining so hard haha. But other than that, the weather is absolutely amazing here! 

Also a quick funny story, that probably won't even be funny when you read it but just trust me it was hilarious in the moment. There was a rather odd Elder who was in charge of picking and leading a hymn for a devotional on sunday. When he started us off, he was absolutely the only one in the building singing for like half the first verse because it was a hymn that none of us have ever heard before. He was so confident and loud, and all of us could not stop laughing under our breath hahaha. We gave it our best shot for the other verses but it was basically a solo for him the entire time. Maybe that was his plan all along, his time in the spotlight, well played Elder bahahahah.

I love you all, and I can feel your support from good ole Orem! I'm loving it out here, and you can always count that I will be doing my best and working as hard as I can.

P.S. I have spent hours organizing my spanish scriptures by my favorite scriptures to use with investigators! It's so nice to finally be done haha. It's going to be so useful! The other pics are on the track that I run on every day. It has an amazing view that the pics does not to justice of. Love you all!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Week 3!

Hola mi familia y amigos!!!

How are all of you!!? I hope things are going amazing back at home. So I have some good news, but I'm gonna need your help with a drumroll...... I'M TRANSFERRING TO A LATINO DISTRICT!!!!! AHHH I'm so excited haha. It's technically not official until tomorrow because the supervisor still needs some responses from some people but he's pretty sure I'll be transferring! Which means either Monday or Tuesday I'll have a new companion, district, house, and experience at the CCM!

The process of changing districts has been quite the ride. I had to talk to so many people (most of which didn´t follow through with what they said they were going to do), and I had to take another grammar assessment with 50 questions, and I had to spend a full day with Latinos! The day that I spent with the Latinos was on July 4th! Haha it was weird to not be with any other gringos throughout the day. But holy moly that was my favorite 4th of july ever!! The district was so receptive and welcoming, and I felt the spirit so strong. My companions for the day were Elder Fernandez and Elder Chavez. I got to know Elder Fernandez really well because we spent more time together during gym time and stuff. He is from Bolivia, his dad went to Harvard to study engineering and learn English, and he reminded of the Bolivian version of Hunter Chiniquy from his looks haha. And get this, he was the Student Body President of his high school in Bolivia!! Haha we just clicked so fast, and had some really good conversations! I got pretty creative at times with how to communicate with him because he barely new any english haha. We had a lot of really cool experiences throughout the day. Our lesson with their fake investigator went really well. We also had two lessons where volunteers come from Mexico City to be given a lesson. Our two lessons were with members, and they both had some really serious family problems that they were going through. It was such an amazing experience to hear their testimonies, along with my companions' testimonies in spanish. I could feel the spirit so strong as we tried to help them with what they were going through. It gave me a cool little glimpse of the mission field and I just got so excited! Some other key parts of that day were how all of the Elders called one of the Elders "celoso" all day because he was jealous that Elder Fernandez and Chavez got the American companion and not him haha. Pretty early on in the day, my companions found out I was zone leader and found out some of the things I did before I came on the mission and then they started calling me "jefe" which means boss hahahaha. The entire district starting saluting me and calling me their "jefe" all day and it was just so funny haha. Towards the end of the day. We were all talking to each other and Pres Bennett passed by us and asked the Latino elders "Do you know who Elder Millard is?" and some of them said I was their jefe haha but then President Bennett said "he is Superman" and he went on about some things that I've done haha. But then the rest of the day I was called a mixture of jefe and Superman haha. One of my favorite parts of the day though was at the end, one of the Latino Elders asked me about my favorite musical artists at home and then he told me some of the rappers and stuff he knew and then we low key just started jamming out to "humble" and post malone and "wiz khalifa" and all the classics hahahaha. It was so funny to hear him go from knowing zero english, to jamming out to these rap songs word for word in his classic Mexican accent hahaha. It was so hard to say goodbye to them at the end of the day, but I see them all the time and It's so fun to be so close to them. Let's just say im stoked to be in a Latin district permanently. The teachers from that district gave me really good comments, and that's what gave me the opportunity to switch districts, along with the score I got on the assessment. I'll miss my district but I know this is going to be the best thing for my growth.

I'm getting to know so many people, and it's starting to feel more and more like high school haha because I see so many familiar faces every day! The spanish is getting better and better, our afternoon teacher Hermana Meza said this the other day: "If any of you ever need help with your spanish, don't hesitate to look through your books, ask me or any other teachers, or ask Elder Millard" hahahaha. I don't know if she knows but I'm not gonna help anyone unless I start getting paid like she does... hahaha jk. Another cool experience from this week was that I got to conduct and prepare the sacrament meeting for the employees in the cafeteria! It was nice and short and sweet but so cool. 

I swear I hear about 25 explosions every day. I have no idea what they are but I had assumed they were related to the world cup until my fake investigator Alejandro informed me in a lesson that Mexico had lost and the explosions kept on going haha. I also hear music from outside the CCM walls all the time, one time the song was happy by pharrell williams and I just about wanted to throw up haha. I thought I would never hear that song again haha. Also every night at 10:45 I hear this loud automated voice go throughout the city outside the CCM walls and my goal is to try and understand what it says haha.

A couple more things about fourth of july: Every single American missionary was wearing all the red white and blue that they had and it was just so awesome haha. The cafeteria did a BBQ for us and it was sooooo good. I didn't really have any time to think about home but you can bet that at some moments I thought about One Republic performing at stadium of fire and I might have gotten just a little bit salty haha. There have been so many times where I've wanted to burst into song with my fav music from back home. It doesn't help that one of my last memories from home was blasting the song "mine" with shawn. hahah good times. For reals though I haven't had any problems thus far with homesickness. I legit have had no time to worry about any of that. Just the spanish and the gospel. And it's awesome.

I love this place so much, and things are going so good. My companion is a good worker despite the terrible cough he's had since he's got here. Literally the entire CCM knows him and the coughing missionary haha and it has been kind of distracting during lessons and stuff but he is finally starting to get better after our several visits to the infermeria haha.

Tuesday night I had the amazing opportunity to play piano again for the devotional! This time there were a lot more missionaries haha. I played prelude, opening and closing hymns, postlude, and the choir number! I was given the music to "Battle Hymn of the Republic" on friday to practice for the choir number. It was a little difficult but I learned it and it was so fun to play. The performance was so powerful on tuesday, and I will also remember looking up while playing, and seeing hundreds of missionaries singing as an army and feeling the spirit so strong. I'm so grateful I was able to play a part in that amazing experience.

Today a lot of us got to go to downtown Mexico City to get our visa extended. HOLY CRAP that city is so incredible. So many amazing statues and buildings! I definitely need to go back to visit after the mish. I was so intrigued by the traffic though. In some roundabouts there were four cars facing eachother like two inches away from each other, there was no direction and it was just a mess, especially in a bus. But I guess they just always find a way to figure it out haha. I'm glad we have lanes in the US haha.

I want to testify of the truthfulness of this gospel. I have been enlightened again and again by the holy spirit and the book of mormon. We are so blessed to have such revelation and inspiration in our lives. I challenge you all to dig a little deeper into the scriptures because they really are life-changing. I love you all so much, and I pray for you all every day! Hasta la proxima semana!

Elder Millard

WEEK 1 AND 2!!!

Dear Friends and Family:

WOW. I have no idea where to start. I low key feel like I don't want to email because I know I won't be able to capture it all! We weren't able to send an email the first week so this will be regarding my first two weeks! But here I go, I'll do my best!

The flight to Mexico was great! I was able to sit next to the Elder who would end up being my MTC companion! As soon as we started descending to our landing in Mexico, I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement as I looked over the exact area that I would be serving for two years. It is SO BEAUTIFUL and there is so much color! We took a bus with all the new missionaries from the airport to the CCM and it was so insane. The traffic system is so crazy and I almost witnessed 40 crashes. But it was so cool to see everything! Once again, so much color, so many businesses, and crazy houses all over the place. The architecture is just so different and beautiful! It got me so excited to serve in this amazing area. Then we arrived in the CCM! This place is such an incredible place! I am already in love with it because it is just such a safe haven surrounded by a city of 25 million people. It's fun to always hear explosions, dogs, and traffic when close to the gates of the CCM. But this place is incredible. There is a big B on the mountain nearby that was for the old high school here. But now we like to say that is stands for "Bautismo" which is baptism haha. But this place really is the best. In our first devotional, our CCM president kept on saying that this is the best MTC en todo el mundo hahah and I totally believe it. Even though I've had to sweep up a dozen cockroaches in my dorm hahaha. Ahhh I have so much to say about my first days but I guess I'll have to only include the highlights. 

My first full day here (Wednesday) we met our branch presidency. There were only two districts in this branch because the branch is brand new! They did a bunch of interviews and..... drumroll...... I'm the new zone leader!! Haha what a first day! I was already overwhelmed with assignments and tasks, let alone take on this assignment but I was super excited! Me and my companion were both called to serve as zone leaders. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve because this is where I thrive! I know it would've been hard for me to not serve as it because it's such a great opportunity! Leadership has been such a big part of my life, and it's cool now to combine it with the gospel of Jesus Christ! Let's just say I'm so glad I've had experience in stud co because this is honestly very similar, other than of course how this work is so much more important haha. Since that first day, there have been two new districts who have joined our zone so now I'm leading over four districts! One of which is a Latin district. They are so amazing and they have been so fun to talk to. That's seriously my favorite thing here so far, talking to all the Latin missionaries! My companion is a champ because we move probably 10 times every meal to try and talk to everyone! I've had some pretty amazing conversations in spanish already and it is just so fun!! They are so friendly and supportive in learning the language. I love how welcoming everyone is here. I'm pretty sure I hear and say "Hola Elderes" and "Hola Hermanas" 200 times a day haha. 

I absolutely love the CCM President! His name is President Bennett and he and his wife are champions. I've already gotten super close with Pres Bennett and we've had a couple personal meetings together! He's expressed to me that I had the most heart-felt and best reviews out of all of the missionaries who did the Pre-MTC program! He said he thought I was famous when he saw my name and found that I was zone leader but then after he saw my Pre-MTC reviews, he was just amazed haha. It's been fun to develop a relationship with him. It has given me a glimpse of what it will be like with my Mission President, President Kimball! Pres Bennett and others only have incredible things to say about my mission pres. They say he is the most energetic and kind person ever! He and his wife run about 10 miles every other week day and 15 miles every day over the weekend! I already love them.

All of the classes and meetings have been going good. I absolutely love my teachers Hermano Valdez, Garcia, and Hermana Meza! They are so awesome and I just love how they say everything in spanish because that is truly the best way to learn, just be immersed in it! It's also been such a blast to talk to my Pre-MTC teacher Hermana Perez! We have such a funny relationship and I love every time I see her. I've been talking with a lot of people, including my teachers and as of right now, I'm on track to actually switch districts into a Latin district with everything completely in spanish! I would have to leave my companion, district, zone and my position as zone leader but I truly think it's the best path for me to be able to improve faster. I'm taking a test tomorrow, and will spend a complete day with the Latin missionaries and then make my decision! If it ends up happening, I would start with a brand new Latin District when I start week 4. That way I will spend my last three weeks with their only three weeks in the CCM because Latin missionaries only stay for three. I'm excited for what's in store. The language is so difficult but I'm using what I know and I'm trying to be patient with myself. It's been fun to be able to help my zone and district though because most of them don't have as much background with spanish as me. 

My companion is great. He is very different from me, and it's been a great challenge to work together 24/7! He is a computer programmer, worked as a janitor, and he has very unique perspectives. He is very observant, and it's been difficult because I'm so used to going around and talking to everyone, but he has a very different personality that has been challenging to work with. Haha I'm probably making things sound worse than they are, he is great and we've already learned so much from each other. He had zero spanish before he got here so it's been fun to help him. 

There is a track here which has been fun to work out on every day. There is a good view of the B on the mountain, and there is a great view of the city! It's fun to imagine the surroundings from the track at mountain view and comparing them with the surroundings at this track. The first main difference is there is a Y on the mountain at home and a B on the mountain here haha. It's nice to be able to run out all my excess energy and let all my stress go.

I love my district and zone so much! I get to work with so many great people including our amazing district leaders and sister training leaders! It's fun because I can make a connection with just about everyone that is from Utah. I ask what school they went to, and then ask if they know whoever their student body president was. And then we instantly have mutual friends hahaha. It's sooo fun to see familiar faces in the CCM. I see John Francis, and Mara Hansen all the time! I also got to know Hermana Jordan who is Ian Jordan's older sister for all you Orem High folks. I swear everything here reminds me of home. Like I said the surroundings at the track, so many doppelgangers. I swear Kenzie Green has a twin that I didn't know about who is in my district. She is awesome. I can tell I'm going to be really good friends with a lot of these people. We had an Elder in our district named Elder Dunn and he was the coolest guy. He is 24 years old and is such a hick! haha he is so funny! Unfortunately, he had to go home yesterday.. It's been rough on our district. But our president shared with us that it was because of the love from our district that he decided to make the scary step to go home and work through the atonement on things he has to work on. He's been put on a track to come back in a few months though which is a miracle! I can still hear his laugh in my head haha. 

Guys the spirit is so strong here. I LOVE our devotionals that we have every tuesday night. Elder Pino of the Seventy spoke on the Tuesday that I got here, and members of the CCM presidency spoke this last Tuesday and they all have such powerful testimonies. I was blessed to have the opportunity to play piano for the entire CCM for one of the devotionals! I played a piano solo arrangement of Be Still My Soul and it was so special. I was then asked to play for the next devotional for the choir, and for the other hymns so I've been practicing a reasonably difficult arrangement of Battle Hymn of the Republic for the next devotional haha. It's so fun to play though and I'm so grateful for the opportunities I've already had to sing and play. The CCM is growing so fast right now and soon we will have 900 missionaries!

Every Saturday night there is a zone meeting that is completely in control of the Zone leaders. We can do whatever we want for an hour, and no adult leaders or anyone will be there. Just missionaries. This past saturday, I planned for everyone to share certain things about themselves. It was so fun and stress relieving to both talk about what you like to do and hear about other people. I could tell people liked it because they would all talk for a long time! I was debating on maybe telling people to make it more brief because I had other things planned but I felt the spirit tell me not to because it what people needed. The spirit was so strong, especially during the final remarks from the sister training leader and me and Elder Fausett. Such a great meeting. The next one (tomorrow) will be more difficult because we have a Latin district now like I said before. But it will be a great blessing to have them and I'm excited. 

The missionary life is so great. I'm so blessed to be here. We have people all around the world, including the very first missionaries from Haiti to come to the CCM! I love it here even though I have 70 things on my to do list to memorize and assign and teach. But it is so great, and I've already learned so much. It's really interesting to see the approach of the CCM to teach spanish. They haven't focused nearly as much on the actual grammar as they have on  teaching us to use what you already know in lessons with investigators. I've loved teaching our fake investigators because you can feel the gift on tongues working, and you end up learning faster. I know that if I trust the system, I will be just fine with my Spanish. I've already seen such an improvement. In fact it's been so weird to even write this in English haha. 

Time if flying! I can't believe it's almost been two weeks! I love it so much already, and I'm growing a love for the spanish language as well. We had a leadership meeting and president Eves said talked about how everything we do in this life, we were foreordained to do. This includes learning the spanish language. He believes we learned spanish in the premortal life and that's why we're so prepared to speak it now. I like to think that the gift of tongues is just the Lord lifting the veil a little bit from the spanish that you have already learned in the premortal life!

Anyways, I love you all. I miss you all, but I've been so focused on the work that I haven't thought too much of home. Of course other than Kaelin's notes that she literally left in every single item of my luggage hahaha. Hasta Luego mis amigos!

Elder Millard

PS I can only send about three pics at a time so bear with me haha.