Monday, September 24, 2018

¡Tan Rapido el Tiempo!

Que Honda cuates!?

My mind is playing tricks on me holy crap. I literally just wrote home yesterday. Time is on a whole different dimension here in the mission field. I'm already almost half way done with my kid. I hope everything is going great back at home! The fires sound pretty sketchy but hey at least they make for good sunsets.

This week was pretty insane, but we were also blessed with quite a bit of success! On Tuesday, my kid and I went down to Pachuca for the meeting with all trainers and trainees. I was there just 6 weeks ago! Towards the end of the meeting, Pres was telling us about how there is no schedule for leadership. He then mentioned that there are two trainers in the room that have 6 weeks in the field. He got emotional as he talked about how he calls them when theyre ready, and that they are callings from the Lord. It meant at lot to hear those words and feel the revelation behind the decision that he made to have me train.

Im not gonna lie, Wednesday was rough. I'll spare y'all the details but the two main things were that we had an eternally long zone meeting due to some disobedience of missionaries in our mission (and now our music rules are a lot more strict), and my kid dropped and lost our phone in a combi. This phone had hundreds of important contacts. And to this day we havent been able to communicate with anyone including investigators. We're blessed with amazing neighbors that have helped us with a few important calls but we just need a working phone back! I didnt realize how important the phone is as a part of work. Especially with an area as big as ours. We picked up a new phone after a zone conference that we had on Friday but we{re still waiting for signal to come. It's really trying my patience haha but I know everything will be ok.

This week I contacted this girl named Adriana in a combi and after about 10 minutes of talking, she let us get off the combi with her to go teach a lesson to her family! The lesson went really well and they already accepted a baptismal date! It{s the best feeling getting great new investigators. I'm so grateful we were able to find them.

During the combined zone conference (four zones) on Friday, Pres said "We have seen a companionship opening an area, and in the first week having 6 with a date, 5 in sacrament meeting, and 16 new investigators" as I look at my kid and give him a fist bump. Hahaha it{s not the numbers that matter but Its nice to have your hard work recognized by President.

Saturday night, we helped some of our investigators move some appliances from their house. We moved a bed, a couch, huge dressers, and a closet (dont worry dad, I lifted with my legs, not my back haha) but it started getting dark while we were working and we didnt notice a huge storm coming. Long story short, my kid and I had to bike home for about 30 minutes with POURING RAIN and no light. It was a nightmare. Everything got completely drenched and our clothes got wrecked with mud stains. But wow this experience was a miracle. We made it home safely, nothing was damaged too bad, and for some reason we were just so happy when we arrrived at home. I was hating my life while we were biking but as soon as we got home, we just celebrated and made the best of the situation. Of course it stopped raining the instant that we got home, but we just laughed it off. We ordered pizza and blasted some EFY music to turn the terrible situation into such a fun memory. I'm grateful for my kid and his constant good attitude.

Yesterday we found some golden new investigators! A lady at church told us that her friend wanted to meet us at 6 o clock so she took us there and this family is a gem. They have been through a lot of rough times but they told us that they want to learn and do everything we ask them to do. They said that as soon as we walked in, they felt peace, happiness, and hope that they have never felt before. We were all able to feel the spirit really strong in our lesson, and I'm so excited to see their progress throughout our next lessons. You better believe we{re gonna put them on a date this Wednesday haha.

Right now, the investigators that the old Elders had are giving us a hard time. All of the situatiosn are kids that need and want to get baptized but the parents have problems or want to wait longer or wont give permission. We{re working really hard and I think they'll all be able to get baptized soon but its been frustrating when they keep on asking to postpone because of the smallest details. This just gives us even more motivation, though, to find new investigators that are ready for the message and ready to act on their feelings. We have been blessed for our efforst and things are rolling amazingly here in Ojo de Agua!

Matthew 18:20 says "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." what a cool scripture! We can apply this to missionary companionships, church, temples, and in our families! It is so important to stand in holy places and be with good people! God will be in the midst of us when we do our part to spend time with good people, and in good places. We should always strive to have the holy spirit with us because we can't withstand the trials of this day without the help of God. 

I love you all, and I pray for you all every day! 

Elder Millard

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