Wednesday, April 3, 2019

End of Transfer!

Buenas tardes familia y amigos!!

I hope everything is all well in O town! Im sure spring is starting to spring! I love how Utah actually has seasons haha. The only thing here is a rainy season and then everything else is basically the same haha. It was a great week here in Pachuca!

On Tuesday night, the bishops wife came with us to an appointment with Alma! She is doing really well but doesnt feel super comfortable making a baptisimal commitment if her husband doesnt even want her going to church every week. We explained to her a lot of things, and tonight we have another appointment with her to see if she is willing to follow through with her baptisimal date for this Sunday! I really hope she can because that is probably that last day I have in this area.

Arturo and Rosario are looking great for this coming sunday for their baptism! They are literally the best members of our ward and theyre not even members. They helped clean the chapel this saturday, they drove people up to a ward camp outing, and they are giving the missionaries food now. We love them. They're super cool too because we found them on a day that (before finding them) had no success. We contacted 30 people that day. The first 29 wanted absolutely nothing, but Rosario was the 30th contact, and look how far shes come. That was just a lesson for us to never give up on the contacting, there are people ready. 

Another baptism planned for this coming week is the hermana Nadia who is the cousin of an investigator that we've had for about 4 months. He just cant start smoking. But now his whole family is learning about the gospel and things are looking good!

We have high hopes for this weekend with 3 baptisms planned and Alma that could very well get baptized this week as well. It is the last week in the cycle which means Im probably leaving to a different area next week, since I already have 4 and a half months here. Its always posible for me to stay, but missionaries in this mission rarely stay in the same area for 6 months so we'll see. We're just excited to finish off the cycle strong! These are great investigators we were blessed with and how cool that they get to be baptized right after the last general conference session on Sunday! We are so excited for them, and SO EXCITED for conference as well! It'll be quite the weekend.

I just started reading the Book of Mormon completely in Spanish. Ive read obviously a lot of verses on Spanish but now Im going from start to finish. So right now Im still in 1 Nephi. I just loved reading Lehi's vision of the tree of life again. Its unbelievably relatable to what we are all going through. It talks about CLINGING to the iron rod to be able to keep going through the misty darkness that arrives in the world. With the words of ancient and modern revelation, with family, with prayer, with living the gospel, we can stay strong to the iron rod and make it to the tree of life which is eternal life. 

Que tengan una buena semana!

Elder Millard

P.S. no pics this week but next week im sure there will be plenty to share!

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