Monday, March 25, 2019

Cristo Rey

Bueno Bueno Bueno familia y amigos!

Good week here in Pachuca! I hope all is well back in the promised land haha.

This week I did exchanges with the Elders in Sahagun! This is literally the place that Hernán Cortéz lived in hahaha. Its a cool area with volcanos, factories, and ancient cathedrals! It was fun to spend the day there with Elder Williams. Its good we did it this week because there were actually special changes from Tecamac being robbed from us and now Elder Williams isnt in our zone!

This week was full of super cool new investigators! A couple weeks ago, I contacted a man with his two little boys on combi! There were finally able to receive us after several times knocking on their house and calling. They let us in, we did the first lesson, and they acompanied us to church the next day! And now they have a baptismal date! It was a testimony to me to never stop trying with the people you really feel have potential to accept the gospel.

Sacrament meeting was great this week. We had plenty of investigators, and all of my converts from this area there! I was also able to give a talk which was only my second time in the mission! I think it went a lot better this time because my first talk was when I had a week in the mission field, I think my spanish has gotten a lot better haha.

Today for Pday, Elder Cassat and I hiked up to the Cristus statue from our house! It was a 45 minute steep hike haha. I remember seeing the statue the very first day arriving to the field, and now I finally got to go. You can see the statue from most parts of the section of Pachuca and its just so cool! At night time its lit up and you can still see it. Its huuuuuge too! Its only two meters smaller than the statue in Rio de Janiero Brazil! which means its 36 meters tall! We were able to go up to the platform on the statue but unfortunately we couldnt go all the way to the top of the statue. Sometimes people go up to the top and see through Christs eyes.
Another man arrived to the Cristo at the same time as us! He was from Brazil! He started talking to us in half Portuguese and half Spanish haha but we could understand him perfectly! We talked to him for a while and went to the platform of the statue with him! He said that he was one of the workers for the Brazil Olympics! It was quite the adventure but we're super glad we went.

I cant wait for general conference! Elder Cassat and I have been listening to recent talks to prepare a little bit better. I invite you all to also find a way to prepare spiritually for the conference! Its gonna be amazing!

Hasta luego!

Elder Millard

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