Monday, March 4, 2019

Pachuca round 3!

Que tal todos!?

Pretty good week in Ptown! Time is flying by, its already been 8 months in the mish! Here are the highlights from the week.

On Tuesday, Elder Cassat and I had plans to go contact for a few hours in a little colony named Felipe Angeles to get some new investigators. After our first contact, we got a call from an Elder saying that his comp had been throwing up blood all night and that they{re in the hospital. We went over to see how he was and ended up staying there for about 10 hours because his comp had to go to their house )which is pretty far away= to grab clothes and toiletries to be able to stay three days in the hospital. It was quite the scare at first but the Elder got better quick and they said it was just an ulcer in his stomach. But while we were there, I took advantage to get my wrist checked again because its still pretty bad from my bike accident in ojo de agua. They pute back in a brace for 3 weeks with physical therapy following. Hopefully that will fix it right up haha. Quite the day just chilling in the hospital though. The elder is 6'8" so his legs were hanging off all the hospital beds haha. 

Our converts in this area are progressing really well. I love seeing them bless the sacrament, get their temple recommends, etc. Our investigators are doing great as well! 

Yesterday we found out about the changes and..... Im staying in Pachuca with Elder Cassatt! Im super excited! Its a great area with some good people progressing, and with a great comp! We{re just gonna get to work finding some cool new people so that we can have more progressing this cycle.

Romans 8 is full of gems but one I havent already shared, that I love, is verse 6. [For to be carnally minded is deathñ but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.[. I love using this scripture when talking about the Law of Chastity with investigators. It goes along really well with the [Putting of the natural man[ that Mosiah talks about. Its so true though. If we get caught in the natural man, we wont be happy, but if we get lost in the gospel and always remember Christ, we will always have true joy. 

Pachuca round three here we go!

Elder Millard

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