Monday, February 18, 2019

Conference and Lulu Baptism!

Que honda familia y amigos??
Que linda semana! Pretty good week here in Pachuca! The weather cant seem to make up its mind. We{ve had some pretty hot and then some pretty cold days. Definitely dont think there are seasons here haha. This week I filled up about four trash cans with tissues, and there were a few days I could barely talk from a sore throat but nobody wants to hear about that so here are some highlights from the week haha.

First off, the conference with the General Authorities! So... it was definitely disappointing because Elder Cook didnt end up being able to come. Quite the bummer haha. But we still had Elder Clayton and Pino come! Elder Clayton is the president of the 7 quorums within the Quorum of the Seventy. So he{s definitely in a pretty high position. He had some great words of widsom and advice for the mission. I absolutely loved the conference! It talked a lot about developing your own testimony and being able to leave the mission field with that unbreakable witness. The musical number I did with the three other elders went super well! Ill definitely be saving that arrangement of Joseph Smiths First Prayer for future occasions haha. I also had the opportunity to play piano for the conference! I played prelude while everyone came up front to introduce themselves to Elder Clayton and Pino. After the met everyone they came up to the stand and taled to me a little bit. President Clayton{s wife told me to tell my mom thanks for making me practice piano hahaha. That ones for you mom. Your famous now. Haha I also played the hymns throughout the program. Everything went great except for how Elder Clayton changed two of the hymns on the spot. I could play one of them just fine but the other was Firm as the Mountains Around Us which I had never played in my entire life haha. So I sight read it in front of General Authorities and everyone. It wasnt terrible but it definitely wasnt the best either. But shoutout to Connie Bauer for teaching your boi how to play piano haha.

On friday morning, a district leader on our zone called us and read the statement from Elder Uchdorf about the communication between families and missionaries!! HOLY CRAP I was so excited, didnt believe it at first but  now Im just super stoked. Itll be awesome to have more communication and support from the fam! Elder Uchdorf promised blessings for the actual missionary work too which is super cool.

This Saturday we had a baptism for the hermana Lulu! This woman is soooo funny. She came to church on her own out of curiosity and we found her and started teaching her! She had super interesting beliefs about talking to archangels and la virgincita Guadalupe (the Virgin Maria) which 99% of the people here pray to and adore. She just always messes around with us and asks us to start dating her daughter. She told everyone how we tricked her about the baptismal font water being hot hahha because the gas actually ran out in the chapel that day. She wasnt too happy. Haha but shes a funny gal, and we{re glad she was able to enter into the waters of baptism and get closer to God! She loves the church, lessons, classes of self sufficiency, and the monthly stake temple trips to CDM (Mexico City!) 

We are already to week six of the cycle which means there are changes next week. I cant wait to see what happens. Ive been here in Pachuca two cycles which basically means 50/50 me staying or me leaving. We'll see what happens, but we{ll finish the cycle strong here in Pachuca no matter what!

3rd Nephi 12;24 says "Go thy way unto thy brother, and first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I will receive you.". I really like this verse because honestly sometimes our relationships with our fellow human beings keep us from getting closer to God. One of the best ways we can develop our relationship with God is to love other people! As we apply the gospel to our relationships with others, we will come to know the relationship God has with us.

Que pasen una buena semana!

Elder Millard

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