Monday, February 4, 2019

Interviews and Cantata!

BUENO BUENO BUENO famila y amigos!! Que tal??

Good week here in Pachuca! Work picking up a lot better, and we're starting to see the hard work pay off! We had interviews with President as a zone this week which went really well! As the zone leaders, we always have to stay for all of the interview which means we get to the stake center early to prepare everything, and then leave about 8-9 hours later after the last interview haha but it's fun to have time to talk to everyone and take a break from the normal mission work day.

This Sunday we had a super cool opportunity to go to a concert about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Its the same family that did the concert for Christmas and they are sooooo talented. Im just gonna be straight up and say that 99% of the Latinos I meet have some difficulties singing on pitch. Haha we were all thinking it but I had to say it. I love these people with my whole heart but most cant sing to save their life haha. This is a lesson Ive learned since Spanish Immersion in elementary school doing those singing and dancing festivals haha. BUT this family is an exception and I was pleasantly surprised. We brought sime investigators to the concert and it was super good! Its good to have some quality music to relieve some stress. That's something Ive definitely missed haha.

It is incredible how rare marriage is here in Mexico! Who knows, it might be the same percentage of people getting married in Mexico as other parts of the world, but it just seems so much less common here! One of the heartbrakes we experience as missionary is when people accept a baptismal date and then later tell us that they arent married. Its called "Union Libre" when they just live together without being married and I swear thats everyone here. So that happened to us this week with two super cool investigators who accepted a date but then we found out that the woman hadnt been divorced with her previous partner and that he doesnt want to get divorced. So that just went down the drain. Haha we'll still teach and pray for them but that is definitely something you dont want to hear as a missionary.

Time is absolutely flying!! Im about a third of the way done with my mission, and its just unbelievable. Im super grateful for my time here and Im honestly glad Im still missing a lot of time before coming home. I have already learned a lot, and Im excited to keep on having experiences and progressing. Thanks everyone for your love and support!!

Elder Millard

P.S. the past two cycles, my comps have been pretty dang white haha. So when I have been meeting new people, they have almost always guessed that my comps are from the US and 
that Im from Brazil haha

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