Monday, February 11, 2019

Karen Baptism!

Bueno Bueno Bueno!!!

Really good week here in the place where there are speedbumps instead of speed limits! A week full of lots of work and a great baptism!

On Wednesday after a district class, Elder Cassat and I had all of the district (and us) go to the area of some of the sisters that have been struggling a lot to find people. They have been super discouraged so we had everyone go to contact in their area for an hour and a half and then send all the references to the sisters when we all met back together. It went super well! We ended with 9 new investigators for the sisters so hopefully that will boost them up a little bit. It was cool to see the district work together to help some of their fellow sisters out.

Sunday was definitely the best part of the week! First of all, we had an investigator named Alma come to sacrament meeting. Alma is the coolest person, and has such a great faith in Christ! And this past sunday was fast sunday so during the testimonies, I invited Alma to come up with me to share her testimony, and she accepted! She went up and shared how grateful she was the God sent the Elders to her house to help her get closer to him. and many other things that were just so special to hear! It definitely made my day. All of the members afterwards were telling us that we have an investigator of gold hahaha. If she gets baptized, she could very well be my best convert.

After sacrament meeting, Elder Cassat and I finished the 5 hour preparation for the baptism! It also takes forever for the boiler to heat up the water haha. But we got everything ready and the baptism started (even though the baptismal candidates arrived thirty minutes late to their own baptism haha)! It was such a cool program stacked with people from the ward and friends of the sister! The people who were baptized were Karen and her two kids Andres and Camila! I sung a musical number with the family who gave us Karens reference. It was also Karens birthday so it was cool to realize the significance of being born on her birthday and reborn on her birthday 30+ years later!

In Acts it talks about persecution that the apostles went through while preaching the gospel after Christ died. In a specific chapter it talks about this persecution and how a couple of the Apostles were "Expelled" from the city and rejected by the people. But then it says something that I just love. "But they shook off the dust of their feet against them and came unto Iconium.. And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the holy ghost."
This is exactly the attitude I have strived to have in the mission! A few days ago, for example, we knock on a door and a guy answers yelling "ATHEISTS ATHEISTS ATHEISTS" and then slamming the door on us haha. But we just shook the dirt off and moved on to a different place! I love the example we can get from the Apostles in Jerusalem and the ones now adays too! Its the best thing we can do to be filled with joy and the holy ghost.

Hasta la proxima!!

Elder Millard

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