Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Conference and Explosions!

Buenas tardes familia y amigos!!

S/out to good ole Orem Utah for existing for a whoppin 100 years! What an accomplishment, that place is much missed haha.

The highlight this week was the zone conference! We had a combined zone conference with four zones because there were some special announcements. First off, we celebrated our mission "Iron Man" by getting over 212 baptisms in three months! And many of us got person Iron Man awards for getting over three baptisms personally!
 President then announced another initiative as a mission that still involved baptisms but there was more emphasis on recent convert progress so thats good. Im excited for how the goal can help the mission and my zone! 

The best part of the conference was when Pres Kimball announced to us that Elder Cook is coming to our mission on February!! IM SO EXCITED. He's coming with the members of the Seventy and a member of the Presiding Bishopric!! I cant help but think that changes are gonna happen, or else why would so many be coming? But wait, thats not all. I get to sing in the conference with three other Elders!!! Pres asked us a while ago to start preparing something for a special event but we didnt know until the conference that we'd be singing for an Apostle! Im super excited.

Not too much more news from good ole Pachuca. We have a rockin panaderia where we get some high quality bread on successful days. We've been riding thousands of combis around the city. The number of deaths from the gas accidents has exceeded 100. We've been helping some neighbor girls with their English homework. Oh and we had quite the experience eating lunch with members a few days ago. Elder Cassat was saying the opening prayer, and during his prayer, the food on the stove just completely exploded! There was a humongous flame and boiling oil that flew everywhere! It got on all of us but somehow none of us got burnt! Literally a miracle haha but it was quite the scare! We have no idea why it happened but it was quite the experience, we are all alive and will so dont worry haha.

This week I reflected a lot on a talk by Elder Holland that talks about the story of Peter getting asked by Jesus if he loved it. Jesus asked him three times if he loved him. Peter was very sensitive to "threes" at this point. And then the Lord told him to feed his sheep. The Lord had already asked him to do it but Peter was confused when Jesus died and just went fishing with the other Apostles. So Jesus appeared in this story to ask him again to feed his sheep. Elder Holland says that that was the day Peter converted into the great Apostle. That was the day he was converted. A lot of times, the Lord has to ask us to do things multiple times. I reflected on how I already accepted my mission call but I should always be accepting my call every day, remembering what I have been asked to do.

Que tenga una buena semana!!

Elder Millard

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