Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Kickball and Explosions

Que honda mis queridos hermanos!??

Twas a good start to Pachuca round 2! Its good being with Elder Cassat. He{s a hard worker and has lots of good experience. Not quite as outgoing or fun haha but hey, theres no such thing as a perfect companion. Im lucky to be comps with him. The work is progressing slowly but surely. Got quite a lot of people in the chapel today and things are moving right along! It was a pretty rough week as far as contacts and new investigators go but we{re looking forward to a new week full of opportunity.

We had the zone activity today where we played kickball and soccer at a professional baseball field in our area! It went super well and we defintiely enjoyed the 10 dominos pizzas afterwards haha. It was fun to get to know the zone and spend some time together.

This week we had the consejo del liderazco with all the zone leaders and capas (STL's) at Pres house which always goes super well! Especially with Hermana Kimballs amazing cooking we can always count on haha. Its always fun to see everyone and talk about how everythings going and how we can improve the mission. Plus its nice to serve in Pachuca Centro because we dont have to travel forever to get to Pres{ house like we had to do when I was in Mixquiahuala.

Speaking of Mixquiahuala, there is a place about 10 mins away called Tluahililpan that is a part of the zone there. There was a terrible incident there friday night. Because of the huge gas problem right now, people are becoming desperate. In Tluahili, someone broke open one of the gas ducts and it started a little fountain of gas shooting out that a bunch of people came to to fill up some gas.
There were about 600 people crowded around with huge bottles, buckets, garrafons, whatever they could find to rob more gas. What ended up happening was somehow the gas was ignited and there was a humongous explosion right where all the people were. They shouldve seen it coming, judging how there was literally a fountain of gas and air with gas particles that can easily ignite but nonetheless they all came to try and rob gas. Some even brought their kids. About 70 people died from the explosion and around 80 more severely injured. There were horrifying videos of everyone running away completely on fire screaming [Ayudenos!!! Ayudeme!! The fire took about five hours to extinguish because it was about 60 feet tall consistently after the explosion. WOW. Such a crazy mess and such an unnecessary incident that killed a lot of people. There were other crazy things that happened this week here in the state of Hidalgo. I just hope it doesnt get worse.

In light of all the current events here in Mexico and all around the world, I think often of one of my fav scriptures in 3 Nephi 22:10 which says "For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.) which are the words of the beautiful song that tabcats sings (tabernacle choir at temple square). I love this scripture because it reminds that we are in the world but not of the world. The Lord has power over all of these scary things that are happening. We dont have to have fear because we can trust that his kindness and mercy shall never depart from us.

Que disfruten esta semana!

Elder Millard

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