Monday, March 11, 2019

A Nigerian Prophet

Como estan familia y amigos!!??

It was a great week here in Pachuca! Time is flying, and we{re already on week three of the cycle! That means Im probably leaving this area in four weeks... gotta make the best of it! We have some good baptismal prospects for the end of the cycle.

The first highlight of the week was getting to translate again for Lions Club Glasses Project! This time there were newsreporters and everything there. They filmed me translating for one of the patients so who knows, maybe Im famous right now on Mexican TV haha. Haha no but it was cool to meet people from the Hidalgo Government who came.

On Thursday, Elder Cassat and I were contacting and we knocked a house of a Nigerian man! We of course had to know what he was doing in Mexico! He let us in and we started talking to him, and getting to know him. He spoke English with the coolest accent and lowest voice ever haha. He was saying how surprised he was that nobody knows English here if Mexico is so close to the States, when places like the Phillipines and Nigeria speak it just fine. He told us that right now he{s living in the Phillipines and that he{s trying to grow his church here in Mexico! He{s literally the prophet of his own church. He said he was called of God in the mountains to start this church. The church is called The Last Salvation of Christ Celestial Church Inc.... hahaha my favorite part is the Incorporated. Their church is all about spreading the news of Christ. We presented him the Book of Mormon and he absolutely loved it and said he{d start preaching it in his congregations! We were just like "Well go right ahead!". Maybe in a few years we{ll hear about missionaries converting an entire church in the Phillipines. This guy was soooo nice to us and we wanted to keep on teaching him, but he had to move back to the Phillipines. He said the closing prayer both times we visited him and it was so cool to hear his way of praying. He talked about how we are all brothers praying to our everlasting father. You could feel a lot of unity despite our religious differences. He said he would let the missionaries in the Phillipines teach part of his sunday meetings so I hope the reference goes through because that would be incredible! What a cool guy, Prophet Adekoyejo Lawal is his name, we{ll miss him a lot.

Contacting on Prophet Lawal{s same street a couple days later, we heard somebody playing the flute so we went to their house and knocked on the door. The guy opened the window of his bedroom upstairs and asked us in English if we{re from Finland or Scotland haha. We introduced ourselves and he said he doesnt want to hear our message. But just when he was about to close the window on us, I asked if he could play his flute for us. He immediately went for his flute and started playing for us. We just started bursting out laughing (but covering so he wouldnt hear) because he was so good at playing but we couldnt even see him! He played for literally 5 minutes and in between songs he would share some intense poetry in English that went along with the songs. All while we were just chilling out of sight outside his house. We couldve left and he wouldve just kept on [performing[ for us for a hot minute hahah. He finally stopped and came down to meet us. Long story short, he doesnt want to listen to us, but it definitely brightened up the night for us! I love contacting and meeting new, and at times very interesting, people.

We had a great Sacrament Meeting on Sunday with a good handful of investigators who all loved the service! I loved seeing all their happy faces and seeing them meet the members and create new friendships. God has blessed us to teach some great people.

Another highlight is that Alma said she would prepare herself to be baptized on the 7th of April right after conference!! Its not 100% certain but its her goal! She{s the one her shared her testimony in Fast and Testimony meeting. She has so much faith and will be such an incredible convert.

I never fully appreciated the story of the Brother of Jared. All of Ether is just so incredible. Especially considering how the book starts even before the Old Testament prophet Abraham was born! I love chapter 3 when the Lord who shows himself to the Brother of Jared because of his faith. But I think there are incredible analogies we can make in our life from Chapter 6. I encourage you all to read it. It talks about how the Jaredites made it to the promised land. In verse four it says that they set forth into the sea [commending themselves unto the Lord their God[. and verse eight says "And it came to pass that the wind did never cease to blow towards the promised land". Cant we see the great lesson from this story_ If we commend ourselves to the Lord as they did, then we will always be led to the Promised land. Sometimes the "wind" will be trials and difficulties. Sometimes the "wind" will be triumphs and testimony builders. But the wind will always lead to the promised land. So trust in the Lord, and put your whole life into his hands! He will lead us home.

Que tenga una buena semana!!

Elder Millard 

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