Monday, March 4, 2019

First Time Seeing!!

Que honda familia y amigos!!? Espero que todo haya salido muy bien para todos ustedes

Hows everyone doing?? Im assuming spring is starting to spring, and the warm is on its way! I basically forgot seasons existed because generally things are always the same here haha. 

This week was pretty good! We're finding some good people and investigators are progressing well! There was an old lady that we contacted in a pretty poor area who immediately accepted us into her house and during the first lesson, she accepted a baptisimal date! It gave me motivation knowing that there are people like her that are literally already ready to accept the gospel, they're just waiting!

We also had a leadership meeting this past week. Every first week of the cycle (6 weeks) we have a meeting as all the zone leaders and sister training leaders at presidents house which is SUPER nice, and Hermana Kimball always makes really good food the makes me miss Mama Millards food a little bit haha. But it was a very productive meeting and we were able to figure out a lot as the leaders in the mission! Its nice to be able to put in input and make a change in the mission.

The best part of the week was helping with a project that an organization called Lions Club put on! About 50 members of this club from Indiana came down here to Pachuca to give out free glasses to about 5 thousand Mexicans in the area! They are all used glasses from the states that peoplee desperately need here! These people from Indiana cant speak a lick of spanish so they asked Pres Kimball to have some of us go and translate for them. Elder Cassat and I went and helped for about 6 hours today and it was AMAZING! I got to meet these humble, and poor people who have always needed glasses but couldnt ever afford them. I saw some put glasses on for the first time and then crying with joy. There was a 94 year old lady who started jumping and dancing with joy haha. It was such a cool experience translating for them. I also got to know a couple of the club members super well. Good ole Steve and Autumn. They are also from Indiana but right now they live in Nicaragua doing humanitarian work. They are some of the coolest people! I talked about so many things with them while we waited for more patients. We talked all the way from the gospel to Donald Trump hah. They were super fun to talk to and it was interesting to talk to another non-missionary american after 8 months haha. Steve has the biggest swearing problem and it was so funny hearing his comments while trying to translate for him haha. Good times. We might get to go back on Thursday to help them out again. But it was definitely one of my favorite experiences in the mission so far.
While we were in this part of pachuca (Pachuquilla) we took advantage to look around a little bit. We found a chapel that was built in the 1500's!

I absolutely love reading 1st Corinthians 15. Reading about the three kingdoms of glory, the resurrection, and baptisms for the dead. Its so cool to show investigators things like this in the bible to prove that we are literally the same church that existed primitively. Lets enjoy the blessings of being members of this very church!

Elder Millard

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