Monday, June 24, 2019


Que tal!?

Summer is in full swing at the Millard house. Shout out to grandpa Anderson for his 80th birthday! Im proud to share a name with you gpa. Also happy birthday to my beautiful sister Maddi! Sorry for getting called on the mish on your birthday haha

This was the last week that I had with Elder Zufelt. He left on Friday afternoon and I had to stay with the Elders in xicotepec for the weekend.

Today I went to Pachuca to go pick up my new companion!! His name is Elder Moreno from Chile!!! Im super excited to be with him, he's such a nice guy. He was called to be a zone leader with me here in the zone Tulancingo! He has about 10 months in the mission. Its funny because his last name "Moreno" in spanish means someone with dark skin but he is actually the whitest guy in the mission! In fact, the first time I met him I talked to him in English thinking he was from the states hahaahha. Everyone thinks he's a gringo hahaha. His grandpa is German so thats where the white comes from haha. Itll be a great transfer with him though, Im super excited!

President Kimball officially leaves this Saturday and we will be welcoming President Maldonado! Im so excited to meet him and see how he leads this mission. 

This week, we read the book of Enos with some investigators and I forgot how much I loved it! I love the phrase "and my soul was hungry". This hunger brought Enos to fervent prayer. He gives us a great example that when we need to know something and when ours souls are hungry, we have the power of prayer to rely on.

Que tengan una buena semana!

Elder Millard

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Eva Baptism!

Que honda mis cuates?!

How has everyone been? The weather looks like its to die for in Utah right now. 60 degrees is a dream. Here we are still getting quite a bit of rain but we love it!

This week, I had my last interview with President Kimball! He has been a great President for our mission. I look up to his energy and passion for the missionary work. President Maldonado has big shoes to fill when he comes in the 28th! 

This past saturday, we also had the baptism for the hermana Eva! Her daughter was baptized a couple weeks ago and now she is able to be baptized and confirmed! She is such a happy woman, radiating with light. Even more so now that shes baptized. Everytime we come over, her and her daughter Doris always have a drink or something ready for us. And last time she suprised us and gave us a lot of different things that she had been knitting for months! Im not gonna say what they are because most of them are for my mom (youll see them shortly dont worry mom) haha but we love Eva and Doris, they will be some of my strongest converts. Last time we went, they convinced me to eat this humongous ant hahaha. Its common to eat that kind of stuff here but usually its with salsa at least. But I ate this humongous ant plain, and it didnt even taste too bad! You never know until you try.

Tomorrow we get to go to the Mexico City Temple as half of the mission! Since we live far away from Pachuca, we're gonna have to get up at like 4 haha but itll be worth it, I love temples! Have a great week everybody!

Elder Millard
Here are the ANTS!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Como les va amigos y familia!?

I hope everythings going great in Orem! Congrats to all the bruins that just graduated! Summer has come. Its crazy to think that one year ago I was sitting in the Marriot Center for graduation. And now in one year from today, Ill be home! Time flies.

This week was pretty good! The heat is finally leaving and the rain is coming!! I guess I shouldve seen it coming, with this much green in Huauchi, we need a lot of rain to sustain it! In the capital of the state Im in right now has been having floods. Cars have been floating down streets because of all the rain. Here in Huauchi its not nearly as bad but we still get some pretty good storms! Im not complaining though, I would much rather have the rain instead of the heat since we dont have bikes in this area.

As a mission we had a goal to baptize 100 people in the month of May. We were notified this weekend that we got the goal and that we will be going to do a session in the Mexico City Temple as a mission on 11th and 13th of June (half of the mission going at a time)!!! I am soooo excited! I got to go to the temple right when I got into the mission field but it wasnt as special because I had just barely gone in the MTC but now its almost been a year!

Luke 9:62 says:
And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.  
I love this scripture so much because it talks about the straight and narrow path that we are in. Once we accept the gospel, we cannot look back. Once I accepted my mission, I couldnt look back. Especially now that I have a year in the mission, I understand the importance of following through with something you planned to do. Many times, things dont seem easy or possible but if we look forward instead of backward, God will help us. It reminds me of Peter walking on the water towards Christ. He started to doubt and started to sing. He "looked back". but if we keep the faith and keep looking forward, God will work miracles with us.

Que tengan una buena semana!!!

Elder Millard