Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Three Baptisms and Changes!

Buenas tardes a todos!

Its absolutely crazy that school is already starting again! The summer flew by! I hope everyone enjoys it while it lasts!

This past week in huauchi was incredible!! All of our work from the past four and a half months all came together! On Friday, we had a baptism of a young man named Jaen (no, not jaden haha) who is the son of a recent convert. He had problems with drugs in the past but every since his mom and brothers got baptized, he's been getting a lot better. He is now working with the bishop in his car shop and has been able to quit drugs! He told us he wanted to get baptized in the river in huauchinango which we got permission for and everything! We were so excited, but at the last second, he changed his mind and said that we should do it in the font in the chapel... haha its all good, the important thing is that he got baptized. He's super active in all the young men activities and everything so we're happy for him.

On saturday, the hermana Claudia got baptized! She has been in teaching for about a year and a half.. but since she was living with her boyfriend she wasnt able to get baptized. They recently got separated for personal reasons but hermana Claudia is super happy! She knows that she's in the right path and she was super excited for the baptism! It was a super spiritual program for the baptism. She came up to us with tears in her eyes afterwards and glowing with happiness! Those are the moments that make everything worth it.

During Jaen's baptism on friday, an investigator named Marlenne (who is best friends with jaen's mom) came. At the baptism, Marlenne told us "I want to get baptized this sunday" WHAT? Hahaha she had a date for the 24th but she has been progressing really fast, and she's been going to church and all the activites! She was honestly the last person I thought was going to progress but because of her past life but I was totally proved wrong. She said that she's even surprising herself. She said that she doesnt know why she's doing all of this, but that she feel something different. A peace, joy, and hope, in the gospel. Im so glad she was able to recognize those feelings and make this decision! With the other missionaries before us, she wanted absolutely nothing to do with the church but she said that when she met me, I told her something that got her thinking, and ever since then she's been super interested. Obviously they werent my words! So she was baptized on sunday right before the changes!

The other crazy thing of the week was the death of our bishop's wife... so sad!!! She was always soooo kind to me! They detected cancer in her about two months ago but it was already too late. the whole ward, including the missionares, were devistated! She was a very strong woman in the gospel who has the coolest story and was only about 60 years old! Her and the bishop got divorced when the bishop was a part of the adventist church but then the bishop met the missionaries, read the Book of Mormon, got baptized and remarried and sealed with his wife! There were a lot of people at the funeral. The bishop asked me to play piano for it. It was a very spiritual program that probably planted a seed in the 100+ Catholics who came. Hermana Marta will be missed.

And now for the changes... drumroll.... I am leaving Huauchinango to be the zone leader in a place called Tizayuca!!! I will be comps with Elder Castro whos the other ZL. Im super excited!! It is honestly a very very ugly place especially compared to huauchi hahaha but I dont care! Im sure we will find great people! Its time to get to work! It was super hard to say goodbye to all the families in Huauchi and Elder Moreno who was a great comp but Im really excited for a new start here in Tizayuca! This might be my second to last area so I really need to take advantage and work hard!

This week I read the story of David and Bathsheeba. One thing that caught my eye was a verse that talked about all of the blessings that David had received but that he still forgot about them and then broke the law of chastity. We too need to remember and realize all of the blessings we've received and start to thank God by following all of his commandments!

Les amo a todos ustedes!

Elder Millard

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