Monday, August 5, 2019

Angel's Baptism!!

Que honda?!!

Looks like its getting a little hotter in Utah now that August hit. That pool in the backyard is looking more and more appealing haha. Its crazy that hardly anyone swims here! 90% of the people dont know how. I think thats why theyre always so nervous for baptism haha!

It was an amazing week here in Huauchi!! Im gonna have to look at my agenda to remember the main things that happened haha.. On Thursday, we went to a little community named Acatlán nearby to meet a little kid who's family are members! He is nine years old and wants to be baptized but his mom is very inactive. So we're going to kill two birds with one stone and teach both of them! The little kids grandpa, who is a very active member, wanted to do the first lesson so he had everything prepared when we got there. We ended up watching the disney movie Coco which was absolutely perfect! After the movie, the gpa showed the lil kid Pablo slips of paper to do baptisms for the dead for his ancestors. He related it to how the dead people in Coco couldnt come back to the world unless we remember them- so we also need to remember our ancestors and do temple work for them so that they can make it into spirit paradise! The gpa started crying while explaining it and little pablito was so into it! The spirit was super strong, Let's all remember our ancestors and do temple work for them!

The other highlight of the week was Angels baptism!!! This guy is a baller. He works in Pemex here in Huauchi at a station that is in charge of monitoring the pressure of the gas pipes that go all around the nation! He is literally the person who catches the Huachicoleros which are the people who rob gas which is a huge problem in Mexico. He was baptized on Sunday and it such a special moment! It was right after church which was perfect because there were like 25 members that were able to come and support. Angel is about 50 years old, and divorced, but he met a woman in our ward and theyve been together for four years now! Theyve been living separately too which was a miracle for us to hear, most people live in "union libre" where the girlfriends and boyfriends just live together forever without getting married. They have plans to get married and get sealed in the temple!!! Ahhh Im so happy for them. All of Olga (the girlfriend)'s kids are members. One of her sons is a returned missionary and x-bishop. He came from puebla city to baptize angel! He will be a very strong member. He has a lot of support and a strong testimony.

Here comes week 7 in this transfer! Ive already been here four four and half months so it is very likely that I leave for changes this coming week. We'll see what happens!

I am absolutely obsessed with the five books of Moses in the Old testament! I love so many different scriptures from them but this is the first one that came to mind. its from Numbers 27

And the Lord said unto Moses, Take thee aJoshua the son of bNun, a man in whom is the cspirit, and dlay thine hand upon him;
19 And aset him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation; and give him a charge in their sight.
20 And thou shalt aput some of thine bhonour upon him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient.
As soon as Moses was about to die, the Lord commanded him to ordain another leader. He was literally ordained by the laying on of hands and was presented in front and sustained by the congregation just like now adays! Reading these books have really taught me about the similarities of the things we do now adays in the church, and what they did back then! Especially when talking about the temple and garments. I love you all! Keep studying the scriptures! They are incredible,

Hasta la proxima!,

Elder Millard

Pic 2: Carnitas are soooo good

Pic 3: This perfectly depicts all the old native women selling their fruit in the markets in Huauchi!

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