Monday, July 29, 2019


Como estan todos!?

I hope everyone had a good Pioneer Day! It was a fun week here in Huauchi! Here are the highlights:

On Tuesday, we were surprised by interviews with Pres! They were supposed to be on Thursday and they just had a little miscomunication and showed up on Tuesday. We got a call saying that President had arrived at the chapel in Huauchi and we were like WHAT!?? Haha so we busted out and took the little micro bus that takes us close to the church. The interview was really good! Im blessed to have a really good president who really cares for his missionaries!

We have a couple that we are teaching, names Luis and Reyna. We met them from contacting and ever since we contacted them, they have been super kind to us!! Theyve already been to church twice now and they get along well with the members. They live in a colony where pure people from Pemex live. Pemex is basically the monopoly gas company here. So they know some members that also work at pemex! The lessons are always very spiritual with them. They have great questions and they told us that they feel like they are finding the truth! We have high hopes for them.

The rest of the investigators are doing great. Justino's baby girl was finally born so now we can finish up the marriage and baptism plans once Mireya recovers. 

On saturday, we went to Beristain to eat with our investigator Angel and his future wifes fam! Beristain is a community where the Germans inhabited. Thats why its not a mexican name haha. Its such a beautiful, open, farmland area! There are actually a lot of villages that we founded by foreigners. In our area there is a place called Canaditas because the Canadians established it. Theres also a place in the mountains called Honey which was established by, yours truly, the gringos. We have a cool area! All these people came because the petrolium and oil industry blew up here and so everyone came down here to work for Pemex.

Also on saturday, we contacted a lady from a pueblo nearby who was wearing the classic outfit of all the native people around here. Her first language is Nahuatl which is the dopest language ever and she was just out selling her nuts and fruit like thousands of other old ladies around here. We got to know her and started asking her questions but we quickly realized that she didnt really want to listen to us haha. After every simple question like "does everybody speak nahuatl in your pueblo?" she would respond about how the virgin of guadalupe has blessed her in her life and the miracles that she has done. Thank you spaniards for creating all of this... its sad to see people's beliefs a little bit twisted but there are definitely people who are prepared for the message! 

I was absolutely amazed reading in Exodus this week about how many similarities there are between the ordinances that they did back then, and the ordinances we do now in the temples. So incredible, I also love about how frequent the Lord tells his people to remember how he delivered them out of captivity from the Egyptians. We too need to always remember how the Lord has redeemed us from captivity. We can remember him by serving others and studying his word every day!

Les amo a todos ustedes!

Elder Millard

Pic: making some famous tamales with a part member fam for pday!! Mexicans do it best. The food here is incredible!

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