Monday, July 15, 2019

20 Years Old!!

Que dicen familia y amigos!?

WOW these have been the fastest 20 years of my life!! They may be the only 20 years of my life but they were very fast haha. My zone was very good to me for my birthday. On wednesday, we were all together for a zone class and the hermanas gathered money from all the companionships to buy a cake without me knowing! They came walking in with the cake and everyone started singing " Las MaƱanitas" which people sing for birthdays in Mexico. It was a fun little surprise!

This week was full of traveling!! First off, we went to Pachuca on tuesday for a leadership council. It went really well! I love how the new President does things, he is going to lead the mission very well. We had to wake up at 4:30 again to get to Pachuca by 9:30 but it was all worth it haha. It was a good meeting and we were able to come to good agreements about the mission! 

Then on wednesday is when we went to the Tulancingo chapel which is the stake center to have the little zone class. The stake presidency came to talk to us about a stake mission plan theyre doing and the trip to the temple thats happening this coming weekend. After the class is when the hermanas started their secret birthday plans haha.

Then on Thursday night we had to go to Pachuca again for me to renew me visa on friday morning! Now you get what I mean by a lot of traveling? A total of about 15 hours this week haha. But at least now im legal for year two! On the way back from Pachuca, I picked up my package from the fam! I sure do have the best family! What a fun package full of favorite candy, family pics, little presents and a lot of love! Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes, I appreciate all of the love!

God also decided to give me a birthday present. After we got back from Pachuca on Friday, we had a late lunch with a member. Her boyfriend was there with us. I had met him before but it was a long time ago. Long story short, he had listened to the lessons a while ago with Elder Sanchez but then his mom died and he had to leave Huauchi. But he has been reading the Book of Mormon and everything ever since! he loves the gospel and he accepted a baptismal date and to go to the temple this weekend! I hope he progresses as much as he says he wants to because sometimes because are just plain words and no actions. But i have the faith that he will!

Justino and Mireya should be having their baby soon here which means theyll be able to get married soon and then Jus will get baptized! I hope it all happens before the next transfer in 4 weeks just in case I leave.

I was reading in Genesis and Moses this week and I love reading about all of the covenants that God makes with Adam, Enoc, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and more! God never brakes his promises and the cool thing is, since we are adopted into the Abrahamic covenant, these promises are for us as well! Every time we look at the stars, it can be a reminder that if we follow the commandments, God will make our seed as numerous as the stars.

Que Dios les bendiga!

Elder Millard
  Pday Breakfast with Christian! This is a restaurant over the lake in Necaxa

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