Monday, July 1, 2019

New President

Como estan familia y amigos!!

Its crazy that the best month of the year has already arrived! Im excited to hear all of yalls adventures for the fourth of July!! It has been SO RAINY here in Huauchi. Every single afternoon without fail it rains. I like it a lot better than the heat and humidity that we had here in May though. We need to keep up all the green and plants here somehow!
President Maldonado is officially here! It was fun to see the pic of my parents at the homecoming of President and Hermana Kimball. They did a great job and now its time for a new beginning! We will have a zone conference this coming week so thats when Ill get to meet the new pres! Im excited to get to know him. 

The work this week in huauchi shot up like crazy! We have found so many great people and many of our current investigators are progressing a lot better! Justino is someone we found my first week here in Huauchi with Elder Zufelt and he has only missed like 2 sundays since! Everything is perfect except for how he is living with his wife (who is member) while not being married. I dont think there exists a couple that arent members but that are married here in Huauchi haha. So thats why Justino hasnt been able to get baptized. We've talked a lot with him about the marriage, especially since theyre going to have a baby girl in a couple weeks! As the fam proclamation states, every child deserves to have parents legitimately married and commited. And the good news is that they decided to get married! They want to do it before the baby comes which means itll be in this next couple week! Justino will be able to get baptized the day after they get married! Im excited to see what happens this transfer here in huauchi, theres a lot of potential!

On sunday night, we went to the baby shower of Justinos litte girl! It was so fun to meet all their family, many of which are listening to us, and play games and eat food with them! 

The members are starting to give us more and more references which means that we have a lot of work to do this week, im excited!!

D&C 123:16 says
You know, brethren, that a very large ship is abenefited very much by a very small helm in the time of a storm, by being kept workways with the wind and the waves.  

I came across this scripture in personal study and I really liked it! Its one Ive never heard of before but is shares a cool concept. I like to compare it to what is happening in the world right now. You could very well say that a spiritual storm is happening right now and that the church of Jesus Christ is the small helm but a strong helm to keep the gospel of Jesus Christ (the very large ship) safe amidst the storm.

Have a great week everyone!

Elder Millard

Pic: When the hermanas from huauchi 2 arrived, we had to help with their luggage because they are both new and didnt know where their house was. We got there to help with their four pieces of luggage, we started walking to the house and then a huge rainstorm started haha. We walked for about 15 mins in the rain while the hermanas were using our umbrellas and this was the result.

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