Friday, July 26, 2019

Another Temple Trip!

Buenas tardes a todos!

It was a good week in Huauchi! Time has been flying! I usually have to look at my agenda on mondays while writing so I can remember everything that happened! 

On wednesday we did exchanges with the Elders in Xicotepec! I stayed here with elder peters from davis. He was on the davis cross country team which is one of the best in the entire nation so we definitely went running on thursday morning together haha. He's a cool guy! He finishes his mission in three weeks and then he'll be running for UVU! Most of the appointments fell on Wednesday (that seems to always happen during exchanges) but we were still able to meet some good new people and have a good day!

On Saturday we were able to go to the temple!! The stake presidency provides us a combi (big van) with 19 seats to take investigators to the temple and visitors center every month! For us its kind of hard because its basically like organizing a cruise because of all the planning. There are always a lot of people who cancel at the last second, or dont show up on saturday morning so its definitely a challenge to fill all 19 seats. Unfortunately most of the missionaries in the zone werent able to find even one person to go to the temple so my comp and I had to make of the difference. We brougth five people, the huauchi hermanas brought 4 and the hermanas from lucerna brought 2! So at least we were able to bring 11 investigadors and some recent convert! Its was a super successful trip! We watched the restoration movie on the way there and then bible videos and mormon messages on the way back! I really recommend the new "one on one" video that came out just barely. Our investigadors loved the temple, one of them from Lucerna decided to get baptized because of the trip! The temple works miracles even when the people cant enter.

Justino and his younger bro came with us which was a risk because his baby can be born in any second! We need it to happen soon so that they can get married and baptized in the next 3 weeks! We have the faith that he'll be able to though. He's come to church almost every sunday since I met him 4 months ago. what a guy.
Angel also is progressing really well and came to the temple with us. He's on date for august 3rd! I could be leaving here in three weeks so we're trying to work as hard as possible, the Lord has been blessing us for our efforts. We've been getting home at about 10 every night!

I started the old testament last week and now Im in the middle of Exodus. I am amazed by these incredible stories in these books. Genesis covers thousands of years of history with the most amazing events in the world. I love how Exodus portrays the lords mercy and how he will always bring us out of captivity. We are part of the house of Irael which means we can receive the same blessings as Israel, Isaac, and Abraham if we hold on and rely on the Lord! I love you all, have a great week!

Elder Millard

Pic 1 & 2: The temple with Jus and his younger bro Jaime!
Pic 3: Angel wants to take a selfie with us at the end of every lesson in the chapel haha

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