Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Fourth of July!

Bueno bueno bueno familia y amigos!

It looks like it was an amazing week in the states! The fourth of July is hard to beat, especially in Orem and Provo Utah haha. I hope everyone enjoyed it! There is a gringo in my ward who served his mission here. He came back and married someone here and he's been here ever since! He invited us over to eat and party a little bit for the Fourth since we were in Pachuca the whole day and didnt have time to eat. We ate chili dogs and set off a few fireworks. It was a small party haha but it was just perfect to still be able to celebrate a little bit. Living here really makes me realize how incredible the opportunities that we have are. God Bless America!

This week was a little bit slower compared to last week. Satan is working very hard on our investigators but they are progressing little by litte. This coming week, we are going to look for a lot of new investigators so that more people can be baptized before the transfer ends in 4 weeks!

This Thursday we went to Pachuca for the zone conference with the new president and his family!! We finally got to hear from him and his wife in person and I already love them so much! They have really strong testimonies and they will be really great for the mission. Im excited to get to know him a little bit better in the interviews in a few weeks. The conference went really good. During the zone class, we talked about how the apostles "straightway followed" Christ and left everything behind when Christ called them. We too have been called by Christ and also need to leave everything immediately to follow him. It was cool to relate it to the mission and motivate the zone to get to work! 

Everything has been really good with my companion. Every person we meet thinks that he is from Utah haha but we always have to explain that he's from Chile. We've been working good together, and I just hope we can find some awesome people to finish off possibly my last transfer here in Huauchinango! 

Que tengan una buena semana!!

Elder Millard

Pic: the baby shower we went to last week. the four people closest to us are four investigators that we've had since the second day I arrived! The woman who is pregnant is already member and her husband to the right is on track to get baptized soon, they just have to get married! The couple to the left of them are also awesome but they also have to get married haha. And little Diego in the orange is the cutest little guy in Huauchinango haha. 
Most of these guys speak Nawatl which is a very common native language around here. There are a lot of nearby pueblos that speak nawatl. Its so cool that they know it! During the games in the baby shower, the lady to the left of Diego was counting down in Nawatl and it just sounded so cool haha.

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