Saturday, November 16, 2019

Elder Soares!!

Buenas tardes amigos y familia!!

November is flying! we're already half way done! If I remember right, the beautiful fall features are kind of ugly now and everyones just waiting for the snow to make the mountains and everything look prettier haha. 

This week was super memorable!! It was super memorable but at the same time my mind is so filled which just makes everything a blur.

On Monday and Tuesday, we were completely focused on getting everything ready for the conference with Elder Soares that was on Wednesday! We accompanied president on the tour throughout the chapel to make sure everything was in place. The people in charge asked president to pick one Elder and one Sister to be translators just in case. President put me as the Elder which was super nervewracking.... good news is Elder Pingree and Elder Soares speak great Spanish so I wasnt needed. Hermana Vergelli got to translate for the Hermana Pingree though!

On Tuesday night, we went to president's house to help prepare all the sack lunches for all the missionaries, and talk about final details. Then we had dinner with President and Hermana Maldonado, their daughter who just got back from the mission, and 10 year old Jania! It has been so amazing to have more contact with them. I admire President so much. He has the funniest sense of humor, he's super spiritual, serious when he needs to be, motivating, loving, and humble! Its such a blessing to work with him. Its so different to have more of a casual relationship with him now, eating several meals together, going with him everywhere. I love it!!

Wednesday morning was like Armaggedeon trying to get everyone organized (especially with a very fragile voice since I was still pretty sick) but everything turned out great! We took the picture with Elder Soares and the little group he came with and then we all went to the sacrament hall to shake his hand! I got there a little early to play the prelude for when he shook everyones hands. He talked to me, shook my hand, asked where I was from, asked if I had family in Paraguay haha because he met some Millards there. It was so awesome to have such close contact with him! I got to play the hymns for the meeting and I also got to play the piano and sing I stand all amazed with a quartet of missionaries! It went super good! I snuck in the first verse in English, then the following verses were in Spanish and Tongan! It was a great, simple, and last minute arrangement that I came up with. The general authorities expressed that they really enjoyed it!! 

Elder Soares shared some awesome thoughts but the one that got to me most was when he focused on the scripture "¶ aThen said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him bdeny himself, and take up his ccross, and dfollow eme.

25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will alose his life for my sake shall bfind it.
26 For what is a man aprofited, if he shall bgain the whole cworld, and dlose his own esoul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

he focused on a lot of different thoughts about forgetting ourselves on the mission. Staying focused on whats most important and taking upon "his cross". He spoke about strengthening our faith, and taking advantage of every moment. Definitely a visit Ill never forget! 

Love you all!

Elder Millard
p.s. theres no place in this computer to insert the sd card so ill send some pics later 

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