Sunday, December 1, 2019

Zone Conferences

Buenos dias a todos!! Espero estén bien!

December is creeping on us! Its crazy how fast november has gone! Its been going by faster with my new assignment because there are always things to do and we never actually sit down to plan the days. Im absolutely in love with the new "Christ Child" video for the light the world initiative. I encourage you all to watch it and share it! Its already on Gospel Library and I think it goes on youtube tomorrow. Its so fun to use the church initiatives in missionary work. This December is gonna be super eventful!

This week was very exhausting but it went super well! First off, on Saturday night, Elder Cordeiro let me know that Eduardo was gonna get baptized on Sunday! Eduardo is the dad of the family that we baptized the kids my last week in Tizayuca. Since Tizayuca's chapel is in renovation, they had to come to Pachuca to do the baptism which is right next to me! So on Sunday right after our sacrament meeting, we went to the chapel in Villas de Pachuca for the baptism! I loved to see everyone again. All of Eduardos family and also the bishop and some great members from tizayuca made the trip to pachuca to support! It was such a great baptismal service. When eduardo was changing his clothes after being baptized he just started crying. He said that the baptism reminded him of an accident he has about a year ago where in a car accident, he crashed into a river and literally drown. (I know this sounds weird but let me get to the cool part haha). He was without signs of life when he got to the hospital but one of the doctors felt that his body was still warm so they did the AED heart shock things and he regained a pulse!! He was basically dead but then came back to life. He felt that the baptism was also a "dying" and "coming back to life experience" now that hes starting a new life! Im soooo happy for him and his family are going to grow in the gospel together. 

The rest of the week was literally pure zone conferences! We organized all of them with presidente and then from tuesday to friday there was a conference every day. Every conference was with two different zones. They all went really well! We're making some changes in the mission and everyones super happy about them! President is just a rockstar. I learn more from him every day. He and his wife are such a blessing for this mission. We've been getting home super late every night but its completely worth it because President has been taking us to some unbeatable taco places. The tacos will be very well missed when the missions over. Everythings been super good though! I hope this coming week we'll actually be able to work in our area more and actually study and do everything a missionary does, but there are a lot of exciting things to come! 

Love you all! Read the scriptures every day!

Elder Millard

Pic 3: Eduardos baptism!
Pic 1: Leaving notes to converts and awesome members of tizayuca!
Pic 2: This style is called "tenango" and its very exclusive to hidalgo. So pretty!

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