Sunday, December 1, 2019

Molango visit!!

BUENO BUENO BUENO familia y amigos!! Como les ha ido??

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Such a fun time of year to be with the fam! I scored here too, President invited us to a Thanksgiving feast! The stuffing wasn't there but everything else was great haha!

It's hard to remember everything that happened this week! There has been a lot of work in the office with different things coming up in the mission. Mainly just getting ready everything for December! I organized an order of 2000 cards for the light the world initiative! These coming 2 weeks we are gonna go with president to all the christmas activities in the zones of the mission! Most of them are singing and giving stuff to hospitals, or putting on videos and giving out hot chocolate in the center of every pueblo! Speaking of videos (If you haven't seen the Christ Child, Watch it right now!! I absolutely loved it).

There have been situations in Pachuca and its surrounding cities recently with attacks to young people. We had some sister missionaries who were hurt recently and so there has been a lot to do because of that. Rule changes, visits from psychologists, and more. That's keeping us busy as well but we just hope everyone can stay safe!

My comp Elder Conover and I went to the storage unit of the mission to grab a few things but then we saw all the Christmas stuff so of course we brought all of that too. We stuffed a taxi with everything and went to the offices! We put everything away and then decorated everything for Christmas really quick! I felt like Buddy the Elf decorating the store. When President and everyone got here the next day, they all loved it! I think my moms decorating talent rubbed off a little on me haha.

Every day I love working with President more and more. I've already learned so much, and I can literally call him my friend! I can be myself around him and it's always a good time. He has been taking us out to several tacos places and even though I didn't think it was possible, I have fallen even more in love with the tacos. Right now we are organizing a lot of changes in companionships and areas. The changes are coming up in two weeks and there are 14 new missionaries coming. Only 7 missionaries are going home which means we have to open several new areas which means, splitting areas, getting all the new stuff for the houses that we have to find and rent... etc... it's super fun though!

Yesterday, My comp and I, President and his family, and the Pachuca Mexico zone (one of the three zones in Pachuca) went to the furthest area in the mission in the mountains (same distance as huauchinango my last area, but more north) to a place called Molango! We all went on a quest to visit less actives there. Its a branch in Molango and it has been struggling a little bit. 150 members more or less but only like 15 go to church! So the army of 22 missionaries went to help with that! We all split into groups and the members showed us to different places! It was sooooo fun to get to know the beautiful area and the amazing people! The people in the little pueblos are just different. So kind, so humble, and so friendly! There were some amazing stories of missionaries who visited people who they had already met in other areas, and other super cool miracles that happened. I hope it helped them, I want to see the attendance go up there!

Today was the first day I could study in this whole week. So I took advantage and studied for a couple hours. Something that impressed me was when Christ taught about how everyone needed to eat his flesh and drink his blood in order to have his spirit. He taught how he is the only way to salvation. Many of the disciples and followers in this moment started to leave the gospel and stop following Jesus. They "walked no longer with him". they said that it was a "hard saying" and they got offended by it. Very few were still devout followers. Jesus' Apostles for example, when Christ asked them if they were going to leave too, said "to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life". Jesus the Christ by James E Talmage has some really cool comments on this story but it just stood out to me the fact that nowadays, most people are like the former disciples who claim the faith and religion but then say that the words and gospel are too hard and that it's not true and then they no longer "walk with Him". I hope we can always be the ones who understand that we can't go to anyone else. Christ has the words of eternal life, even though sometimes they are hard. I Invite you all to read John 6 that talks about this story, there is a lot of symbolism that helped me a lot.

I love you all!

Elder Millard

Pic 1: The army of missionaries arriving at the war!
Pic 2&3: Molango!!
Extras: Molango and Christmas decorating!

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