Monday, December 23, 2019

Christmas Devos!!

Feliz Navidad a todos!! Espero que lo estén disfrutando!

This week was SO FUN! It passed by unbelievably fast. The first part of the week was the transfers!!! On Saturday night, we went to presidents house to help him with the changes. We were able to put a lot of good input in! After about 2 hours, most of the missionaries were in the perfect place. It was so cool to see everything fit perfectly. President, for the most part, has everyones past areas and companions in mind which is crazy considering we have 144 missionaries. I loved being there during the process, it gave me glimpse of what I would imagine assigning missionaries to missions would be like. Then we gave all the transfers to the zone leaders sunday afternoon! The next crazy thing was monday morning, welcoming the new missionaries!

I think this has come to be one of my favorite things as an assistant- to see all of the new missionaries coming in. They have so much zeal and desire to serve and talk to everybody! Of course not all of them are the same, but most of them are just so excited to finally be in the field. We welcomed them all at the bus station in Pachuca. Then we went in a combi together to the famous clock tower! Around the clock, we took them out to contact their first people in the entire mission which was so fun to be a part of. Then we took all of the pictures and we all headed to presidents house in Club de Golf! All of the trainers were also there at his house. We had a really good lunch together with them and the new missionaries (but they didnt know which one was their trainer yet). Then we all went to the stake center in Villas and did the presentations for the trainers and new-comers that went really well! President did the interviews for the new missionaries. After each interview, the new guys got a picture of their trainer and they had to go to the church to go find them. Its soooo fun to see the reaction of everyone when they find out who theyll be with. I got to translate again for the interviews of all the Elders from the states. It was so cool to be a part of them. President is so good with them and the spirit was super strong. Then we sent them all off to their new areas! It was a good group of 14 that came in.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, most everything was dedicated to the missionaries going home. There were seven that went home, including two hermanas from my generation! Hermana Smith and Wallace, they will be much missed! I still remember when we arrived to Pachuca together. On Tuesday, we had a barbecue and party with the ones going home, followed by the last testimony meeting. It was so amazing to hear all their final testimonies, so powerful! Being there for that made me so grateful that I still have a good amount of time left in the mission. It kind of hit all of us there at the same time when president was talking that they were all actually going home. I got nervous for them!! Im glad Im not to that point yet, theres still a lot of work to do! The Elders stayed with us Tuesday night and then they all left in taxis on Wednesday morning to go take the bus to CDM to the airport!

Thursday and Friday were the Christmas devotionals!!! Sooooo fun! We had a good devotional to start out with, with talks, videos, musical numbers, and a message from us and President and Hermana Maldonado! Followed by unlimited tacos for like 2 hours..... that was the best part hahaha. It was also a fortune to contract the guys but it was worth it. Then after the tacos, we had every zone perform skits which ended up being super funny! Then after the skits, we went outside for the Piñatas!! Classic. It was fun to celebrate with everyone and make this Christmas special! 

It was also super cool to see the final product of the video that Elder Santos from cali made of all the Venir a Cristo activities. I was able to put a little bit of input on the video (mainly just picking the music). And it turned out super good! I invite all of you to go to the (Misión Mexico - Pachuca, 2019-2022) facebook page to look for the vid. Its a good summary of all the activites we had! Im grateful I got to go to all of them.   video link:  

Now everything will be a little more calm now that the Christmas activities are over. We're gonna focus on buying and delivering what every house in the mission needs, that will be quite the effort. I think in January or maybe february we might actually have time to work in our area. Thats the goal! But Im LOVING working with president. Its very hard work (more mental than physical), but I have learned so much and Im so grateful I got the call. I like the change but Ill also be excited to go back to the field when the time comes.

In my Christmas devo talk, I talked about the messages of the angels to the different people in the Nativity story. To Zacharias, Jospeh, Mary, the Shepherds, and maybe more, the first thing that the angels said to them was "Fear not". Those are literally the first words in every message from the angels to all of them. I dont think thats for nothing. That is also the first message to us! We should never fear or doubt. We need to remember that anything is possible in Christ who strengthens us. Especially in this season, the small things make the difference. Keep on finding the ways to put Christ in the center and make people's day!

Love you all!

Elder Millard

Pic 1: I took advantage when we went to the clock and took pics for momma haha
Pic 2: Filling up piñatas in the offices!
Pic 3: The Christmas devo agenda

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