Sunday, January 5, 2020

Mission Tour!

Feliz Navidad familia y amigos!!

I hope everyone was able to enjoy Christmas with family and friends! I saw that in Orem there was a white Christmas even though it was just a couple inches! I miss that snow haha.

Christmas here was also super fun! It wasnt quite as exciting as last year because since we are both new, and we just barely moved wards, we dont know very many members. So I ended up just being with my comp, and the other two Elders that are staying with us while they look for a house, for Christmas Eve and Christmas. We got super lucky though because some members invited us at last minute to their Christmas dinner! It was such good food. Other than that, everything was pretty chill! Most of the excitement was definitely in the past couple weeks with the Christmas activities and devotionals. 

President Maldonado spent a couple well-deserved days with his family for Christmas! Since he was just enjoying the Holiday, he didnt give us much work either which was nice to have a little rest. We had a lot of time to catch up studying. 

The past couple of days, we started the tour of the mission houses! President decided that for interviews this transfer, he was just gonna do them in all of the houses while we check the houses and write down all the articles they need for the huge storage that we bought and are still buying. Yesterday, we went to five different areas in the Valle del Mezquital zone which was fun because I had never been there before! First, President took us to a quick Carls Jr run and then we were off! We left at like 3pm and got back at 12:30 am hahaha. It took quite a while but it was super fun to get to see all the missionaries and get to know new areas! And of course we had to get tacos at the end of the night.

I hope everyone can think of specific things they want to change in 2020! We all need to make specific goals that will last more than just the first two weeks of January if you know what I mean. Lets take advantage of a new beginning and make the changes that we have been putting off! I hope you guys all enjoy the new year!!

Feliz Año Nuevo!!

Elder Millard

Pics 1&2: Merry Christmas to the Family!!! Good ole Pachuca soccer jerseys. Go Tuzos!

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