Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Buenas tardes a todos!!

I hope everyone's week went well!! This week flew by! Here are some of the highlights..

This week we had interviews for three different zones. When we went down to the tulancingo stake center for interviews, we could only interview the ones that live close by because the highways from Huauchinango and Xicotepec to tulancingo were completely blocked from protestors! Actually, it was a nationwide thing. We had some missionaries who were going home, go to the airport on bus but they couldnt get there either because of the highway! Every big highway in the country was blocked. The protestors were literally just from a recycling company that didnt like a new law that was in process. I hope they got it figured out because that really ruined our plans!! 

On thursday, we were able to do divisions with two different companionships! With the first companionship, we contacted for like 3 hours and we were able to find some really good people! The only down side was that since we were so high up in the moutains, we ended up getting fried haha I definitely shouldve put on some sun screen! With the second companionship, we had some really cool lessons! We were contacting and people let us into their house right away. We did a "como comenzar a enseƱar" which is just the first visit, to see what they need. It was a really great lesson! At the end, the mom offered the prayer. The prayer was so heart-felt and it was obvious that she had been praying for more guidance in their lives and when she thanked God for sending us, she got really emotional. This is what the mission is about! I really hope they progress, even though I might never see them again.

The Plazas ward (my last area) had another baptism that they had to come down to pachuca for so that was fun to go to another baptism! They've had a baptism almost every week these past couple months! Go Elder Cordeiro and crew! 

This week I started to read Saints and I am just blown away. I love reading about many miracles and sacrifices that I had never even known about! The restoration is just incredible and we are so lucky to be a part of it! I encourage you all to read the book. The second volume is already out as well! Its good preparation for the April conference. I love you all!

¡Que les vaya bien!

Elder Millard

Villas Stake Center Sunset
Our new favorite Juice/Torte joint Sis Maldanado showed us
My Whatsapp contact for Hermana Maldonado hahaha

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