Saturday, March 7, 2020

Back in Puebla!

Como les va a todos!?

What happened to february???? If someone could explain where it went that would be much appreciated. Times flying!

This week was super fun! On Monday we had a zone activity with president with the Pachuca Centro zone which has 27 people in it right now. Far bigger than all the other zones. It went really well, and it was super fun to spend time with everyone! 

After the activity and after cleaning everything up, President, my comp, and I started talking about the upcoming transfers. We had the dreaded conversation of how I am going to finish my mission. He explained that he really wouldve just liked to keep us together, but how the Area presidency doesnt recommend anyone to finish their mission in the offices. He said he sends us back to the field for US. If he were selfish, he would just keep us working with him. But he sends us back so that we can end with the missionary spirit. Im honestly super excited to go back but it kind of hit me during that conversation how fast things are coming to an end. He flat out told me that he trusts me to pick my last transfer. The area and the companion. Obviously thats a lot of pressure!

The area recommends, and President does everything possible to not have any zone leaders train new missionaries, so that they can focus on their responsibilities. Thats why I havent trained a new missionary since I was called a zone leader almost a year and a half ago. So while talking with president, we decided that itd be better if I trained instead of ending as a zone leader. But with recent events, President is planning on dropping a couple of the zone Leaders. He commented to me that its a possibility that I could end my mission training as a zone leader to help with the mission needs! So it works out perfectly! There are only two zones I havent been too, and so it looks like Ill be going to a place called Tepatepec which is a little pueblo like an hour from Pachuca. Ive heard good things about and I think itd be the perfect place to finish with my kid! Ive been there a few times and its just a little cute pueblo with great food and a lot of people! A missionary's two favorite things haha. This coming week, we will be finalizing all the transfers, so nothing is 100% sure yet but either way Im just excited to finish the last two cycles back in the field.

This week we finished all the interviews with the mission. We traveled back to Huauchinango Puebla to do the 12 missionaries in that area that still needed interviews. It was super foggy there but SO BEAUTIFUL as always! Puebla is probably the prettiest state of mexico honestly. In the food, nature, and people aspect! The culture is so cool! Im glad I was able to go there for part of the mission. A few days later, we went up to my birthplace Mixquiahuala to do the Tezontepec interviews! 

Traveling for all of these interviews, means that my companion and I have a lot of free time to study while president interviews. This week Ive read about 400 pages of Saints! I would highly recommend it to everyone! I've learned a lot, and have almost been brought to tears reading the sacrifices and examples of the saints, many of which are my ancestors. 

"Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power, and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." I am just amazed of the faith of these people, and all that they went through. Learning about their struggles to establish Zion and the church makes me so much more grateful for the church now a days! We are so blessed. Let us all remember and thank the sacrifices of the ones who went before us to allow us the blessings we enjoy today!

Les amo muchísimo!

Elder Millard

Pic 1: One of my convert families in Tizayuca!! Familia Garcia Reyes!! I love them haha. This is why Im on the mission
Pics 2-3: Back in Puebla!! Huauchi ❤
Pic 4: Mixqui!
Pic 5: Package from the best family ever!
Pic 6: Hermana Maldonado sent this to us. She's from the North and really likes to make fun of the "Chilangos" everyone from Mexico City and its close surroundings (Pachuca) haha I love her.
Pic 7: A lot of time in Presidents car these past four months haha.

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