Monday, August 20, 2018

Week 10!!!

Aug 20 at 2:50 PM

Que honda familia e amigos!_

I hope al lis well in O’Town. It's crazy to think some of my best friends are about to start their senior year and I'm just chillin in Mixquiahuala haha. I hope all the best for good ole MV this year. I miss my second home haha. Once a bruin always a bruin. Amen.
Wow things are so good here in Mixqui!! Elder Howell and I are having a freakin blast out here, and we are working so hard. We've met so many people that have so much potential! God has placed us in the path of so many people that want to hear the message of the gospel. Elder Howell and I now have about 9 people with a baptisimal date! And so many more that are progressing! I've really been banking on the promise in my mission call that I looked back on recently that says "As you serve with all your heart, might, and strength, the Lord will lead you to those who are prepared to be baptized."
This past Thursday, Elder Howell and I had another meeting with Claudia and Maria and we were planning on asking them how they were feeling about their baptisimal date that is coming up. Now understand that we had been pretty nervous to see what their thoughts are because they have had a lot of doubts. But then CLAUDIA TOLD US SHE DIDN’T WANT HER WATER TOO HIGH IN THE FONT FOR HER BAPTISM. Hahaha I've never been happier to hear those words. Claudia and Maria were already planning for their baptism! Haha we were so stoked the entire rest of that night. They are going to be my first baptism! They will be baptized this coming Friday! We're so excited for them!
We have been teaching a little girl named Lily and she is just a little champion. She is eight years old but knows literally everything and she's just so cute haha. Her mom and grandma have been inactive for 15 years but they came to church the past week and we have had great lessons with all of them where they have felt the spirit strongly! Long story short they are basically active again and Lily accepted to be baptized! Since her mom is technically a member, and she is 8 years old, she is actually under the jurisdiction of the ward to get baptized which makes it complicated for us to baptize her. But the last lesson, when we proposed a date for Lily's baptism, Lily's mom told us they can't because they'll be out of town for HER 9THBIRTHDAY!! Haha this means that since she is turning nine, she'll technically be a "convert" which means we can be in charge of baptizing her! She's planning on getting baptized on her birthday on Sept 3rd!! We're so glad to have contacted her grandma on the street!
We had exchanges again this week, but this time I stayed in Mixqui and another Elder came to take Elder Howell's spot. This means that I was the leader, and had to schedule everything and know where everything was. A little nervewracking but I was able to do it! It was nice to be able to see the things I need to work on personally since I didn't have my trainor to help me out with things.
It's absolutely insane that it's already week four of this cycle. And yesterday was my two month mark! It's weird because it feels like it has been an eternity but it has also flown by haha. Especially in the field, time basically doesn't exist anymore haha. But things are really good out here. The people are so kind, the food has been legit incredible (well other than the pig skin I had this week haha), and we haven't even been robbed yet! Haha but Elder Howell and I were saying it's gonna be really hard to leave this area when the time comes, even though we do have tadpoles in our water hahaha. It's just such a cute little town with such amazing people, and a center that's always bumpin with different activities. Reminds me of the Orem summerfest haha. Gotta love Mixquiahuala.
This week at church we had an army of 12 investigators come! We were running with our heads chopped off trying to show them all their classes haha and it didn't help that I had to play piano for the Progreso sacrament meeting during the other meetings of our church haha. But we were so happy! Also 10 minutes before the meeting started, bishop told me I had a 15 minute talk on missionary work. Hahaha so I had five minutes to prepare the talk and I felt pretty jipped haha but I guess he had sent us a text, we just didnt get it. But its ok! It went really well and Im grateful for the opportunity!
I want to share some knowledge that we have in the church that I'm super grateful for. This knowledge  can be used as our motivation during our hardships and trials. Romans 8 says "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God; And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." WOW what a cool scripture. Guys if we bear with patience our afflictions, and endure to the end, we will become joint-heirs with Christ which means we will have everything that Christ has. What an amazing opportunity. Don't take this life for granted, we need to better ourselves everyday and serve our fellow people always.
I love you all, and I'm so grateful for your example and support in my life. Enjoy your hot showers, clean water, and washing machines because I sure miss them haha. Our house has been having serious issues but hopefully we'll get at least our boiler going again soon haha. Have a great week!
Que les vaya muy bien!
Elder Millard

This is our drunk friend who doesn't know his name and says that he has an extra body at his house for when his current one runs out haha

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