Monday, August 6, 2018

Week 8!!!

Hola familia e amigos!!

I have absolutely no idea where to start! I love it so much here in Mixquiahuala!! It's just a cute little outskirt and it really is only dangerous in certain parts at certain times. It's soooo humid and hot though, wowza. So me and Elder Howell started here with basically nothing. Just a few references and our mission leader to help us around. Lalo, our mission leader, is the absolute best though! His family is bomb and they have been a great help to us! And get this guys, our first two days here, we set four baptisimal dates!! Haha we were killing the game those first two days! Things then kind of slowed down. We get rejected so much, and yelled at so much from random people driving by. Haha it kind of makes sense though, we are just two gueros that everyone stares at because we definitely stand out haha. Things have been a little rough though. My comp says it's been his hardest area. People are just so flaky and will never be there for lessons. But guys there is definitely potential and we have been working so hard! God has blessed us with some bomb people to teach and they always seem to appear at the end of the day. That's because of the scripture that says, God will bless you after all you can do! All the miracles seem to happen at the end of the day when we're wasted and have done all we can do. We have just been like contacting machines and are trying to find the people who are prepared!

Guys my comp is such a stud! I definitely scored a bomb trainor. We get along so well and it's actually kind of a curse because we never want to speak spanish to each other! We'll get there though haha. He's taught me a lot already and I really appreciate his example. There was one day last week where I did an exchange with some other Elders because Elder Howell had a zone leader conference in Pachuca and it was then and there that I realized how lucky I am to have him. It was still way fun to be with the other Elders but they simply just don't work as hard! I'm glad I'm with a workhorse because that's what I came here to do. Work and have fun!

Ok guys. I didn't realize how annoying Jehovah's Witnesses are! They are such an issue here because they are everywhere and are never willing to hear anything about our message! Haha but most of the people here are Catholic and thats where we really thrive. So we have a new investigator named Axel and he is quite the guy. He is soooooo nice and wicked smart when it comes to the bible. He cites several scriptures by memory during our lessons. He doesn't have a specific religion because he can't find any that will answer his questions. When we had our second lesson with him, before he came into the room, his wife came in and told us that we can try and teach him, but he is not going to change, his goal is to change our beliefs haha. He has talked to countless people from countless religions and he is just so smart. He asks us some deep questions about our religion that would be very difficult to answer in english let alone spanish! But he is honestly so cool and we have confidence in him. He would legit be a stake Pres. Our other investigators our low key just not committed. They are always working and it's hard to progress with them. Claudia and Maria are the only ones that made it to church this past sunday even though about 7 people said they'd be there haha. But teaching all these people is so fun, Elder Howell is a great teacher, and I've learned a lot of analogies and ways to teach. We're unified and ready, now we just need to find the people who are ready!

We got to go to Pachuca this past Saturday because one of Elder Howell's old investigators asked him to baptize him! It was so fun! We legit contacted the entire bus both on the way there and back haha. Pachuca is so awesome guys. I low key can't wait to serve closer to there. Here there isnt a lot to do or stores to get stuff. We are more of a small town. But pachuca has everything haha. 

It was fun to go to our ward this past Sunday to meet all the members! Pres Kimball came to our meeting and told them that he sent his two strongest missionaries to this area because he wants to see it grow in the gospel! There are a few that are just the best and give us references and stuff. I played piano for the sacrament meeting because no one else could haha. I'll probably start teaching the primary kids piano too which will be fun. We've had some members attend lesson and their testimonies really add to the spirit. Plus we get to eat with a different member every day and guys the food has been so good! I thought I'd have a problem with it but I'm embracing the spice and it's actualy been way good! I've definitely been blessed haha,

This place is still so gosh dang hard to navigate. There is only one landmark, and that is the center. Everything else looks the same and it's so hard to know where we are! We have like no other resources! So we have definitely had our fair share being lost haha. It took us no joke two hours to find our house the second day. But we'll get it with time, our area is just so big! 

This is just such an adventure! Just two 19 year old gueros preaching the gospel in little Mixquiahuala. We have seen the hand of the Lord. We are trying our best to be led by the spirit. I have already grown so much closer to the savior because I have experienced a little bit more of what he went through. Being here I realize how freaking good my life was back home. I had everything, and at times all I want to do is hot tub or spend time with friends or go for a drive blasting music. My family and friends mean the world to me and it's hard to not be there with them. But this is more important! And I'm loving it! It's just very very hard at times haha. I'm up for the challenge though, and I know the Lord will lift me up. 

One of my favorite things is all of the music here! Everyone I swear owns their own little street business and all of them have their own music so when we walk down the streets, there's just all kinds of bumpin music that keeps us motivated. Miley Cyrus definitely gave me the little boost of energy I needed last Thursday lol.

Today we had a combined zone activity with two zones! We went down to the river in Progreso and it was GORGEOUS. Guys that place was so cool! We did a little hike to a cool bridge and played lots of soccer and ultimate frisbee with water baloons! Haha it was fun to get to more people and spend time with them! A nice little break from the work. They were definitely blasting the greatest showman music the whole time and all the latinos knew all the words even though they couldnt understand them haha. But dont worry, our pres is so chill and he lets us listen to anything we would feel comfortable listening to in front of Pres Nelson. Also, one of the zones got permission to watch coco and greatest showman for an activity haha. Our pres is so chill and I love him so much haha.

But guys things are great here! I love the mission field, I love my comp, I love Mexicans, and I love my God. People are so humble here, and there are definitely some that are ready for the gospel, and we will find them! It's kind of overwhelming thinking that I still have 22 months left haha but time is already flying and I know it's just gonna keep getting faster and faster. I love you all so much and I hope you are all doing great! Make sure you are reading the Book of Mormon every day, it is essential to read from every day. But at the same time guys we really do need to be reading the bible. People out here know so much about the bible and I kind of wish I read it a little more than I did. Especially the New Testiment, that book is powerful. I miss you all so much but I appreciate the support! I am praying for all of you daily, and I love you all so much!

Elder Millard


Elder Howell and Elder Millard take Mixquiahuala!

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