Monday, August 13, 2018

Week #9

hola familia e amigos!

How are you all doing_ I love hearing from home, you guys seem to be killing it. Also not a big deal but MY SISTER JUST GOT MARRIED!!! Congrats best  friend, I love you so much. Best of luck to you Maddi and Jarrad!

Things are great here in Mixqui! We  had exchanges on Wednesday because my comp is zone leader so I went to Progreso with Elder Javier and it went really well! It reminded me of my Latin district in the CCM where I couldnt speak a word of English haha but the day went really well. We went to a place called Moreno which was way up in the mountains. Pachuca is already 8000ft elevation but this place was even higher and it was gorgeous. At the end of one of the little lessons we had, I was saying goodbye when I noticed the lady sneaked a picture of me hahahaha. She was trying to be so sly but I definitely caught her. Didnt say anything but I thought it was so funny, I dont think shes ever had a guerito like me visit her house. At the end of the day, Elder Javier told me about his time in the Mexican army. He told me about how committed he was to his leaders in the army and about how now he is completely committed to the Lord. I really respect him, and I{m glad I got to spend the day with him.  Let me just say though, I was excited to get back with my comp. Elder Howell teaches and contacts so well, and I'm glad I have small little exchanges to help me realize how good of a trainer and missionary he is. I really need to  take advantage of my time with him.

Here are some other highlights of the week. One day, Elder Howell and I were walking back from a little pueblo called Taxquahda (the names of towns are legit all insane, imagine how hard it is to write down directions of houses lol) and next thing you know this huge water balloon smashed right beside us and got us a little wet. We looked up and saw a girl hide behind the roof. She barely missed us but it caught us off guard, and it was so frickin funny. We walked to the other side of the street to get a better view of her and she just kept on peeking to see if we had left yet. I cant imagine if the balloon wouldve actually hit us hahaha. 
There are so many drunk men who tell us to go back to $%&#$ America, and sometimes theyll try and pick a little fight haha but dont worry we are always smart enough to just get out of those situations.
Guys soccer is life here. In fact, Soccer in Central America originated in and near Pachuca! E Howell and I have played with a bunch of little kids and they are always so fetchin cute. I always look forward to times we get to play with them. 
The food has been sooo good so far and I've been adjusting really well! Some Elders have gotten sick and have been throwing up so I{m knocking on wood. But we eat so many different foods. We have a lot of [tuna[ which is the fruit from cactus and its super good! We also had some chickin feet called [patas[ and those I wasnt the biggest fan of haha but maybe not as bad as youd think. Just not the biggest fan of the sound of the cruch of the toes when you bite them off haha. Its a no for me haha. But guys the churros, tacos, bread, and tamales are hands down the best things Ive ever tasted. Unbeatable. I love Mexico haha.

We have watched the restoration movie three separate times this week. It really is a great tool to teach the restoration and our investigators have loved it! I love to use the videos and media of the church but here in Mixquiahuala most people dont have phones-internet. When/if I'm in Pachuca, everyone will have them so it will be a lot easier to show stuff haha.

So we have some pretty bomb investigators. Claudia and Maria have a date to be baptized on the 25th of August! We have faith that theyll be able to be prepared for that date, theyre progressing super well! This past saturday they came to a  baptism with us, and we all felt the spirit super strong. I had the opportunity to play the hymns but also sing a musical number for the baptism! It went really well, and I think they have a greater desire to be baptized now! We started teaching them about the plan of salvation and when we showed her the scripture in the bible and taught her about the kingdoms of glory, she lit up and started laughing from joy and said that she understood. I loved to see that immediate joy from this amazing knowledg that we have. In our last lesson she started crying when talking about how she felt when taking the sacrament. They could very well be my first baptisms, and it'd be way cool because they were actually my very first lesson in the field as well! 

We have an investigator named Bryan who we almost dropped because he hasnt been home and hasnt been answering but I felt that we should call him one more time. We called him and he told us we could come over right then and there to teach him! We went over and taught him and his mom and aunt. The spirit was so stronng and him and his mom started to cry. There are no  coincidences and I'm so glad we were able to get a hold of them and teach them in this time. Bryan has had some serious problems with drugs and so we gave him a blessing and he has been able to start taking less and less. He is progressing very well and we have good hope for him and his mom!

We feel so blessed here in Mixqui. We started off with nothing guys. But God has blessed us and now we have mas o menos 20 progressing investigators and many other contacts with potential! Things are rolling here in Mixqui! We have been working so hard to find the people that are ready for this great message. I{m so grateful for this gospel and all that it teaches us. We  have so much knowledge and hope that some people havent been blessed with quite yet. Thats why we are here as missionaries.

I love a talk from Elder Holland that talks about the difficulty of missions. He said, and I'm paraphrasing, missionaries often have questions such as, why is this so hard president_ Why is everyone rejecting us president_ We know our message is true so why doesnt everyone just flock to the font_ Why is this so hard president_ Then he saidÑ Why did we ever think this was going to be easy_ This life, and this work, is not easy and will never be easy because salvation is not easy. Salvation is not an cheap experience. Christ suffered for our sins. It was never easy for Christ, so why did we ever think it would be easy for us_ Sometimes we may ask ourselves if there is another way but Pres Holland testified that someone much greater and much better already asked that question. But Jesus after asking, said that his fathers will, not his will, should be done. We, likewise, need to do not our will, but the will of him who sent us. We have to feel at least the smallest token of what Christ felt in order to appreciate and understand the atonement better. But take peace in knowing that during the hard times, we are standing side by side with Christ, because he already went through our trials. He is there for us, and by him, we can do anything.

3 Nephi 27:33 says Enter ye in at the strait gate; for strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it. Guys we need to realize that we are an elect people. It is hard to follow the path but wow it is well worth it. Keep being strong in the gospel and share it with everyone!

I love my mission. I don't know how many times I'm going to say that throughout my mission haha but it's true. My testimony is growing ever day. We forget so often about the grace and beauty of God and I'm blessed to be able to live in the midst of it every day. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Jesus Christ lives. Study his life, search for him, live like him, and you will be become perfect like him one day. This is our goal and our purpose. This is what will give us joy.

Que esten bien mi familia e amigos, !les amo muchisimo!

Elder Millard

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