Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Fernando and Erika Baptism!

Que honda mis carnales!?

Its so fun to hear about all the new mission calls everyone is getting, and that a bunch of my friends are finally leaving on their missions! Its so cool to have friends all throughout the world preaching the same message.

This week my son Elder Molina had to go to Mexico City for his visa interview. He left on Wednesday and got back on Friday so I had to stay with the Hacienda Elders for three days. Pres told me to focus on my area while I was with them, so we had to compromise and try and make all of our appointments. We were all over the place on thursday trying to fit in everything. The Elders from Hacienda couldnt believe how much we bike hahaha. Its been raining about every single day for a couple of weeks now and Ive about had enough haha. I love the rain but when you have to bike across Mexico to different appointments, it makes it a little hard. Our white shirts have had a rough time lately haha. Mi hijo returned on Friday in the afternoon and it was so nice to have him back. Then the next day we had the baptism for Fernando and Erica!

The baptisimal service went super good! We had so many people come that we couldnt fit everyone in the room! We had the bishopric, relief society pres, and Elders quorum pres come and welcome them as part of the program. Fernando and Erica are already getting to know so many people and their kid is loving primary. They are so outspoken about how much the gospel has changed their lives. They always tell me and Elder Molina how we have changed their lives, no matter how many times we tell them that its not us who{s changing their lives. Fernando, Erika, and Ivana had their confirmations yesterday and they all went so well!

Matthew 13:45-46 says "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls; Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Guys we are fortunate enough to have found this great pearl. It's up to us to give everything we have to obtain it. Fernando and Erika have told us from the beginning that they will do anything to become members. THEY EVEN OFFERED THEIR HOUSE FOR US. They legit want to give up the top part of their house for us and future missionaries. They said they would make a new stairwell so that the house could be completely independent from theirs. I dont know if itll meet all of the requirements for a mission house but the point is that Fernando and Erica are the merchant men that Jesus is talking about. I{m so grateful that a member brought us to their house a few weeks ago. They have changed my perspective for the mission. There are people that are so ready. Fernando and Erika were meant to accept this gospel and they have waited for so long. Remember that Erika literally had her death certificate when she was lifeless in the hospital, but God decided it wasnt her time yet. What an amazing couple they are. They've already made us promise that we{ll stay in contact with them for the rest of our lives haha.

My kid is officially leaving me this coming week.... sad day. We don't know the exact day but he'll definitely be gone by Monday. I've had a blast with Elder Molina and he truly is a great missionary. He is straight up so chill, and just rolls with the punches. He has forgotten himself which is the most important thing you can learn here especially in your training. I{m going to miss that kid, he{s going to smash it in Cali though. Stay tuned next week for the transfer news!! I dont know if I'll get another kid or if someone will be transfered here, I just really don{t want to leave this place! I dont think I will, but I also didnt think Id leave Mixquiahuala so I guess we never really know haha. We have so much going on for us here, and theres so much potential but I know that whatever happens will be whats right!

Espero que tengan una buenisima semana!

Elder Millard

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