Monday, October 22, 2018

Yolanda, Diego Baptism and Transfers!!

como han estado mis amigos y familia!?

How are my favorite people doing? I heard theres already snow in the mountains. Would someone mind packing some up to send to me so I could ski on Pdays? Haha snow definitely is not a thing down here. I hope all is going well in O town!

Go and listen to Where Does the Time Go by a Great Big World and that will explain my feelings. Where did this cylce go?? It barely even existed and now mi hijo is already leaving me! Sad day. 

This week was pretty good! Sure it rained (poured) every single day and our white shirts always get wrecked from the muddy streets of Mexico without a bike lane haha but we find joy in the journey, including the journey in the rain. Weve been able to just laugh off the hard times and move on. Its a good sign that rain has been the hardest thing we had to go through this week.

We baptized Yolanda and Diego this past Saturday! The Elders before us were the ones who started teaching them, so we just had to review everything and get them back on a baptisimal date! They will be good additions to the ward! They both lack a little bit of enthusiasm haha but they believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ and wanted to be baptized! Thats all it takes! So we prepared them and now they've entered into that important covenant. President and Hermana Kimball came to the baptism too! When he told me they were coming, it definitely upped the nerves up a little bit haha but the program went really well! He gathered up all the young people at the end and gave them all two dollar bills to signify the start of their mission funds. He has a super cool story that he always shares before he gives the bills. Pres picks a different sacrament meeting to go to every week and he gives two dollar bills to all the youngters in every ward. Who knows how he got all the bills, especially since theyre so rare but it was cool that he was able to come to our baptism to give a bill to Diego and a couple other youngters who came.

This cycle truly was amazing. I learned so much from training a new missionary. I feel so much more confident and capable! I really enjoyed my time with Elder Molina and I know hes going to kill it in California. Hes been teasing me all about hes gonna have a car, a nicer house, and basically nicer everything haha. But itll be interesting for him to see how different the missionary work is there. 
We have been so blessed for our efforts here in Ojo de Agua, and we have found a really special unity as a companionship. Weve learned a lot from each other. Im really grateful for the opportunity Pres and the Lord gave me to train during my training. Definitely an experience Ill never forget. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

This week we also had transfers! Drumroll..... I'm staying in Ojo de Agua as District Leader! Elder Ponce is my new companion. He's from Veracruz in Mexico and he seems pretty cool! I was kind of disappointed at first to not get another kid but there were only two new Elders this cycle and I know that this is a good next step for me. Here's for round two in Ojo de Agua!

I was reading in Jacob this week in the Book of Mormon. What an amazing book! Chapter 3 verse 2 says "O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever." WOW. I dont know what it is about the scripture but I just love it! We have the opportunity to not just partake but feast upon the love of God. And if we are firm in the tesimony, we will feast on the love forever. Thats what its all about. Be surrounded by love, joy, and family forever. Lets use this as our motivation during the hard times. Gods love is all around us. It can be manifested through the angels around us, family and friends. Search and feast upon the love of God. There's nothing better.

Que les vaya bien!

Elder Millard

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