Monday, October 29, 2018

It all started in a combi

Que dicen familia y amigos!?

So October basically didnt exist. That flew by! I hope all of ya'll had enjoyed the Alpine Loop while you could haha. Nothing better than October in good ole Orem Utah. But Im not too jealous because I have my pan de muerto, tacos del pastor, and churros to keep me happy haha.

What a great week here in ojo! Its been a good start with my new comp Elder Ponce. He{s getting to know our enourmous area little by little haha. District leader is going good so far. I led my first district class on wednesdsay which went well and then on thursday I organized exchanges which were also super fun! I had already known a lot of the zone leader duties because of my dad, Elder Howell, who is and was zone leader but district leader was brand new to me. Pres said it was the perfect next step for me, and I{m grateful for the opportunity to learn more.

Apprently thursday night there were some huachicoleros by Tonanitla at about 1:30 AM. This means that people were digging in to the gas pipelines to try and steal some petrolium. Some people saw them and called the police, so the huachicoleros ran away but left the gas line open. The gas started leaking rapidly and a huge gas cloud formed and everyone in Tonanitla and part of Ojo de Agua was evacuated at about 2 in the morning just in case there was an explosion. Calle Flores wasnt evacuated "Elder Ponce and I probably wouldnt have waked up anyways haha because we were completely out" but apparently is was so crazy. You could hear the gas leak and you could smell it from across different cities. Everything ended up being fine, but quite the little scare! And Elder Ponce and I had no idea what had happened until the next day. Ignorance is bliss I guess haha.

The highlight of this week was the baptism for Adriana and Juan! We went through final preparations this week and then Saturday at 2 was their baptism! Guys I dont know what it was, but this baptism was different. The spirit was strong when I baptized Juan but it was something much more special when I baptized Adriana. As soon as she exited the water, she looked so clean and so happy. She told me how she couldnt explain how happy she was, and what she was feeling. While I was playing the closing hymn for the baptism, I was overwhelmed with love for the mission and for the people I get to teach. I reflected about how guided I have been to find people and serve as an instrument to share the gospel with them. For Adriana, it all started in a combi (the little public tranport vans). She was the first baptism I had that was one of my personal contacts. I was there from step one. I had an impression to contact her on the combi, and then she agreed to let us get off the combi with her and teach her a lesson at her house. That's where it all started. Six weeks later she entered into the waters of baptism.

I thought I wasnt a cry baby, but I completely lost it during the closing hymn of the baptism program. To the point where I couldnt speak because I was crying so hard. I was filled with the [greater happiness that awaits you[ that the mission call promises. I was not prepared for it, it just came at an instant. These are the moments I{ll remember most from the mission. It makes all the hard times worth it. Now we just need to work on finishing the deal with Veronica and Uriel, her mom and bro.

Mosiah 5:13 says "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?" I invite you to all serve your Heavenly Father a little bit more. Remember that you can do this by serving and helping others. This will help you get to know your Heavenly Father better because you'll be acting as he would act. Serving and loving everyone. 

Todo ha sido bien padre aqui en Ojo de Agua. Estoy emocionado para todo lo que nos esta esperando en esta area.

Cuidense mucho,
con amor,

Elder Millard

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