Monday, November 19, 2018

Trip to Pachuca Hospital


Que tal familia y amigos!

Today I hit five months in the mission!!! Pretty crazy, time is flying by. I'm going to steal Ryan Mortensen's idea and start putting the percentage of my mission in the subject of the emails. For visa issues, the americans in this mission go home four weeks early which means we serve for 100 weeks exactly. That makes every week one percent more, so its perfect! Today I am 22% of the way done with my mission.

Haha what a week! I'm just gonna jump right into it. My life legit flashed before my eyes on Tuesday. We were riding our bikes home from a lesson on Tuesday night. For some reason or another, we were going pretty fast. We were biking on the street named Hacienda because it always has less traffic, the only downside is that it has a lot of speed bumps. Usually the speed bumps are no problem but this was a different story. Without me knowing, my bikes handlebars were super loose in front, so when I rode over the speed bump, my tire spun to the left and I went FLYING off my bike. I was literally superman for a few seconds. No joke I flew like 7 ft and then skid for a few more. It was ugly. Definitely the most pain I{ve felt in a while. All of my weight landed on my left wrist, so that was the biggest injury. My elbow and other places got some pretty bad scrapes but honestly it could've been a lot worse. I couldnt move my wrist, and we were worried about it so President had us go the hospital in Pachuca the next morning for an x ray. Hermana Ely Guerrero was nice enought to take us. Long story short, there's no fracture! Just a bad sprain, so I've been in a brace ever since then, and I'll wear it until this Friday. I'm just counting my blessings because it's been healing really fast, and I should be good in no time. Just a little scare. Or more like a big scare haha.

On Friday, I did exchanges with Elder Gonzalez! Elder Gonzalez is ffrom Santiago Chile, and he is honestly so awesome haha. He was actually in the stake that David Archuleta served in on his misison haha. But the exchanges went well! It{s always good to learn different ways of teaching and develop other good habits and strategies. And just as any other good day in this area, we ended the day with churros from "Churreria del angel" nothing better haha. 

Overall this week was really good, we found a lot of cool new people and now we have 9 with a baptisimal date again! I cant decide if I would prefer to stay in ojo de agua or have changes this next cycle haha. The only problem right now is my comp.

Guys I have had a rough time with Elder Ponce. I'll spare you the details but basically he gets mad at me for trying to work hard and be obedient. Sometimes he likes to give me the silent treatment, or decide to not contact anyone for a whole day in rebellion haha. The list continues but it's definitely been trying my patience. I'm loving him, praying for him, and serving him as best as I can and our hard work is the best medicine but it's definitely been a challenge haha. Maybe it's just because I got along so well with Elder Molina and my dad Elder Howell haha. But things are progressing and I have faith things will all work out.

Alma 14:26 says "And Alma cried, saying; How long shall we suffer these great afflictions, O Lord? O Lord, give us strength according to our faith which is in Christ, even unto deliverance. And they broke the cords with which they were bound."
We are given trials and afflictions so that we will turn unto Christ. If life were free of trials, we wouldn't feel the need to turn unto Christ. Whatever trials we are faced with, if we ask for help with faith, our cords can also be broken. With my bike accident this past week, I realized that I should rely on Christ more. It was a nice little wake up call because I have kind of been relying on my own abilities and strenghts. This reminded me that we can't do anything without Christ. He is everything. I testify that if we turn to him, he will work miracles with us, We can strive to be instruments in his hands.

Con amor,

Elder Millard 

Pic 1: This is the infamous speedbump and where I'm standing is where I landed haha

Pic 2: These babies are from a famous taco shop by where we live. Nothing much better than tacos al pastor.

Pic 3: Ethan Hidalgo is my hero. We have been meeting him and his fam every week because they are recent converts, but Ethan just turned eight and got baptized! This kid can dance and sing like no other haha what a guy


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