Monday, November 26, 2018

TEO and baptism for Magdalena and Modesto!!

Feliz lunes familia y amigos!

Happy late thanksgiving! I almost didnt even notice that it was Thanksgiving haha. It was pretty awesome though. The only American that I{ve ever met that lives here in Mexico, lives in our ward, and it was her turn to give us lunch! It was perfect because she wanted to have her own little Thanksgiving too. She made stuffing, and mashed potatoes, she was just missing the turkey! Thats ok though because we had what was most important. The stuffing. My family knows that I can only be happy when I have my stuffing haha. 

Ok I got some big news.... THEYRE DIVIDING OJO DE AGUA INTO TWO AREAS!! This is huge. We have been killing ourselves trying to work in all the parts of our area. The work will be so much more effective with two companionships because we havent been able to focs very much on the outer parts of our area. A while ago, Pres asked us to start looking for a house for the new companionship. So on Tuesday, we went house searching in Satna Ines which is the center of what will be the new Ojo de Agua area. After a few options falling through, we found a two story house with a great rent price! We took the pics, got the info, and sent it to the offices. We got the go ahead, and we signed the contracts this past Saturday! I felt like a proud newly wed signing my first house. The only thing I was missing was my wife. Details. Haha we still dont know who is going to occupy the house. Its possible for Elder Ponce and I to move there and new sisters to live in the house we{re living in right now, becauase Santa Ines is a little more dangerous. It{s possible for more Elders to move in, or for either Elder Ponce or I to move to Santa Ines and the other one to stay here in ojo de agua since we both already know the area. Basically we have no idea what{s going to happen. But thats the exciting part haha. I have a feeling that I{ll be leaving Ojo de Agua since I{ve already had two cycles here and President said that there will be a lot of changes this next cycle. I just cant wait until this coming sunday when I{ll get the call and found out where and who I{ll live with for the next six weeks! There{s also a lot of changes that are gonna happen in the Tecamac stake where we are. There{s stake conference this coming sunday and they are going to divide the stakes and wards. I cant wait to see what happens.

On Thursday night, my dad Elder Howell called me! It was a nice little surprise haha. He was on exchanges with one of the assistants so he used his phone. We talked for a half hour about his depressing Dear John experience, and how our areas and comps are but long story short, we miss each other and want to be comps again haha. I loved my time working with him in Mixquihuala and I{ll never forget our experiences there.

On Saturday, we had a baptism for Magdalena and Modesto!! The two viejitos )old people haha=. So first, with Magdalena. She was actually a contact from when Elder Molina was still with me. It was our second week together I believe. She has had a lot of doubts and problems with her family. It{s been a process but she finally found the faith to move forward with the ordinance! After the ordinance she said she felt some sort of peace and hapiness that she couldnt explain. We all knew what she was talking about of course, but I love seeing her progress and how she{s growing her testimony. Up next, Modesto. Good ole Modesto. This man is 80 years old and he blows me away. He had a rough childhood. He never met his mom and he only met his dad once. He had to start working at age 8 to survive. Later on, he was able to get married and have a family. Now he lives in Nextlualpan with his son. He has brain issues because he had surgery 30 years ago. He cant remember things very well but he{s actually been doing really well remembering the things we{ve taught him. He started coming to church when his neighbor invited him, we found him, and then it was all pretty fast from that point on. He honestly has a super strong testimony and was truly prepared for the gospel. We{re grateful that we were able to find him and help him come unto Christ. The actual ordinance was a little difficult haha. He{s not able to bend his knees so he had to go under water face first. I had to literally push his whole body under and then lift him up hahahaha. It was definitely interesting but it didnt take away from the Spirit that we always try to have in baptisimal services.

Today we got to go to TEOTIHUACAN!! Guys what an incredible experiences. This place is full of amazing history, including history from the Book of Mormon!! Teo is full of pyramids, ruins of palaces, and temples. There are actually symbols of the priesthood and other parts of the gospel. The biggest pyramid is called the pyramid of the sun, the second biggest is of the moon, and then there are a bunch of smaller pyramids to the other side that signifies the stars. Does that ring a bell to anyone?? The three kingdoms of glory!! Check 1 Corinthians chapter 15 if you dont know what Im talkin about. There are so many signs to prove that the ancient civilizations in the book of mormon lived here. Theres also another section where there is a big pyramid in the middle and then 12 little pyramids that surround it. Apparently each pyramid had one person teaching to the people. Those people very well couldve been the 12 apostles here in America! There's also a section where if you stand in a certain spot, you can talk with your normal voice but people super far away could still hear pretty well. We tried it out and it was incredible. Elder Bednar actually came here recently and stood in that spot and the only thing he said in that spot was "Benjamin" because that very well couldve been where he addressed all of his people starting in Mosiah 2!! I was blown away, it was so cool to see how many different nationalities were there too! I met people from London, Costa Rica, Chile, Poland, Austrailia and more! It was amazing, and it was honestly another testimony to me of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

Have an amazing week!

Elder Millard

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