Tuesday, December 4, 2018

TRANSFERS and Conference!

Que honda familia y amigos!!

We hit December! Wow. November barely existed! I feel like I just started the cycle with Elder Ponce yesterday but changes are already upon us! We´ll get to changes in a sec, first lets talk about the past week in Ojo de Agua!

On Tuesday, we helped two guys move in all of the furniture and items for the new house in Santa Ines for the new missionaries! We helped move the bikes in too and we saw that they were womens bikes! So looks like Hermanas will be staying in Santa Ines! Most members freaked out when they found out that sisters were going to live there just cuz its a little dangerous haha but we let president know beforehand and he still went for the sisters! They´re going to kill it there, theres so much potential that we havent been able to grasp with such a big area.

On Saturday, we had the worldwide service for the light the world initiative! So our zone went to Zumpango and San Pedro to get some good gardening and landscaping in! It went really well! It was fun to talk to everyone in the zone. Elder Ponce and I had an hour and a half long drive to Zumpango in the morning which was insane haha. Guys combis are basically rollercoasters with wheels. Everytime we get in one, I get a little scared for my life haha but they are very fast and efficient I will admit. We worked until 7 at night and then some dope members took Elder Ponce and I out for tacos at Tacos del Hermano! Definitely one of the go'to places here in ojo.

On Sunday we had stake conference! Guys this meeting was monumental. They combined the Tecamac stake into two stakes! Elder Pingri (or something like that) from the Seventy came and gave his testimony. The Stake pres and the new stake precidency also shared their testmonies, they were absolutely incredible and powerful. President and Hermana Kimball also came and talked, always with their amazing messages as well.

 I was also able to sing with the stake choir along with most of the other missionaries in the stake, and we sung consider the lilies, and oh my father in spanish and then homeward bound and you raise me up in english! As soon as I found out that we were singing the latter two, I definitely got a little scared. Haha just because Im already not the biggest fan of the two songs because Ive heard them each a thousand times, but that combined with the tone deafness of the choir was not a good mix. It was an A for effort but we definitely sounded horrible haha. The power and passion behind the words was there so at least we had that haha. It was painful going from the glorious direction of Brett Taylor in MV choir straight to the choir where everyone ignores the rhythm and parts and goes straight to belting their soul out in the melody haha. Im exaggerating only slightly haha but honestly the stake conference was such an amazing experience.

And now to changes!! Lets just start off by saying I am the happiest man on the planet. Wow. Definitely an answer to my prayers.
I am getting transfered to the CENTER OF PACHUCA to serve with Elder Housley as the Zone Leaders! WHAT!??? I honestly couldnt have asked for anything better. What a dream! I couldnt believe my ears when I got the call, I was almost positive Id stay here in ojo de agua! This place is SO beautiful. Mainly just compared to Tecamac where I was haha but there are mountains full of colorful houses and its just a big city! I'm already in love with my new comp. He's another one from Idaho! Soda Springs Idaho for the few who'll know where that is haha. He reminds me so much of my dad Elder Howell who was also from Idaho. So grateful to be with another Elder who wants to work hard! He's literally the funniest guy and is really good with the people. He's honestly just a little kid in a 20 year olds body haha and I absolutely love it. President said we're the companionship he's most excited to see this next cycle, what we can do. Even just our first day here, buying groceries and playing basketball together, we had like 5 people contact us for us to visit them haha. I'm unbelievably excited for this next cycle and that we'll be together for Christmas!

Elder Ponce is staying in Ojo de Agua with Elder Josue. There are also the hermanas that are showing up, so I hope the work will continue good there. I'll miss the area but I'm too excited for this new opportunity to be thinking about ojo de agua haha. Elder Housely and I have both been with pretty hard companions this past cycle. In Housely's case, he's had pretty hard companions his whole mish, so long story short we are absolutely stoked to get working. He's from the same generation from my dad so he has about 16 months. Also my dad Elder Howell got called as an assistant too so that will be fun to work together for the reports as zone leaders.

Today I wanted to testify about change. Just from all of the changes in the Tecamac stake and here in the mission, I can testify that change is absolutely necessary to be able to grow and learn! Thats why we have trials too, because trials also come with change. This change of me moving to Pachuca with Housely is a really good change haha but even the bad changes are completely necessary. Sometimes we dont see why the changes are necessary or why the trials are necessary, but looking back, we can always find the lesson God helped us learn. I testify that the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about change. We can change are lives. We live in a living and changing church. What a

Que les vaya muy bien!!

Con amor,

Elder Millard

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