Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Gabriel's Baptism!

Buenos tardes familia y amigos!

Happy birthday to my crazy little nephew Nixon! Its crazy how fast all my little babies are growing up. I get to meet 3 more of them this coming Christmas video call too!

One of the highlights this past week was the zone conference! We had our Pachuca Centro zone and also the Tulancingo zone in the same conference, and President asked me to direct! Everything went super well, some good musical numbers and good classes. Elder Housley and I prepared a little class for our zone about Christmas and what it should be focused on. We read Luke 2, showed a little 7 minute video from the church about the Nativity, and shared our testimonies! 

This past saturday, the two tecamac zones went to play baseball with the orphans in pachuca! We were planning on playing in the jail with some inmates who the mission gave Book of Mormons to last year but the area seventy didnt give us permission. So Pres had me and Housley set this up so the two Tecamac zones could still get their reward for having the most baptisms in November. Everything went super well though! Pres bought Dodger jerseys with the church{s name on the back and everything for the missionaries and all the orphans! They absolutely loved it and they told me that they like baseball more than soccer now hahaha. It was a tad scary though because since Housely wasnt in Tecamac in November, he had to stay in our area on exchanges and I had to be the one to lead everyone including president to the orphanage! I had only been there one time and wasnt 100% sure how to get there but nonetheless I was put in charge of everything haha. Thankfully I got everyone there safe and sound and the activity went great.

After the baseball, we had the baptism for Gabriel Sanchez! This guy is a champ. He had an accident a while ago and messed up his leg but he does not fail to come to church. We always see him limping in with his happy face and open heart. Love this kid and Im so glad we were able to help lead him towards baptism. He was one of Elder Housley's contacts a while ago. The program went really well, and you could feel the spirit super strong. I am in love with our bishop and his british accent in spanish haha but seriously his words are always spot on. 

Elder Housley and I are still hungry for more new dope investigators. Im just so used to being in Ojo de Agua where they seemed to flock to us haha. Its a little different here in Pachuca. But things are going great. My comp and I get along a little too well haha. Its a nice contrast with what it was like with Elder Ponce haha. Things are pretty busy as Zone Leaders because our zone is big and there are plenty of issues, so we've been pretty preoccupied lately, but things are getting better. 

One of the scriptures that I love from Luke 2 is verse 17 and 19 where it says "And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child." talking about the shepherds.. "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart."
I love verse 19 about Mary. Just like her, this Christmas season we can keep these things and ponder them in our hearts. Theres already so much publicity and culture concerning Christmas but what does it really mean to us personally_ This will really help us develop the Christmas spirit. If we focus this season on Christ and his love. 

Con mucho amor,

Elder Millard

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