Monday, November 12, 2018

Rogelio Baptism!

Mis queridos amigos y familia!

Happy late Veterans day! What a wonderful holiday to remember the peoople who fought for the great country we live in, or that you guys live in haha. But for reals don't take what you have for granted. A lot of the people here would die to have the opportunities that we may think are normal. Also happy late birthday to my beautiful sister Sheri and Jackson{s bday which is today! Love you guys, I hope you had the best day.

This week was pretty good! We had a lot of new investigators who kind of fell through but thats ok because they were replaced by other new people with a lot of potential!

On Tuesday, I went to the Huicholes area to do exchanges with the Elders there and it went really well! Towards the end of the day, Elder Alarcon and I and our neighbor moved a couch to this ladies house nearby. She had just had everything in her house stolen from her, by her husband. She is like 70 years old and was sleeping on the floor because even her bed was stolen. So we delivered the couch and then taught a lesson with her family that came and joined us! It was a really cool experience and they have a lot of potential! The only thing is that they are hard core Catholics. But so are 99% of the other people here so I still have the faith they can accept the truth haha.

On Thursday we had our zone conference! It was actually my first one because my first cycle, we went to the temple, and my second cycle, we had a conference with half the mission to announce the iron man 212 initiative. So this was my first actual zone conference and it went really well! I got to play piano for the hymns and I also got to sing More Holiness Give Me! President announced that he is also going to give an opportunity for missionaries to be individual Iron Mans. This meaning that if the mission doesnt achieve the 212 baptisms, we can achieve our own Iron Man challenge by getting 3 baptisms throughout Oct, Nov, and Dec. Ever since October in Ojo de Agua, we have had 8 baptisms so we already achieved it! President actually said in front of the two zones in the conference "No se descanse Elder Millard, hay mas" which is basically "Dont rest Elder Millard, theres more" haha. Towards the end of the conference, President announced that most likely in December, he is going to present the new Mission President to us. President Kimball still has til about June but looks like he's already gonna present the future president to us, I cant wait! 

This Sunday was packed full with special events! We started the day with a conference for all the members in Mexico. Elder Rasband and others gave talks, and it went really well! After, we had the baptism for the hermano Rogelio! He it a viejito whos about 65 years old. He started coming to church on his own, but because he went to a different ward{s services, we never met him until recently. Then we taught him all the lessons and he entered the water! He{s just a nice simple old man who wanted to find God in his life. He was super prepared for this message. Then after his baptism service, we all transferred into the sacrament hall for the mission call opening for the hermana Yunuen!

Yunuen is one of our go to members. She helped befriend the Moreno family and Adriana, and she{s come to a few lessons with us! The Stake President asked her to say the opening prayer for the conference we had in the stake center, and as soon as she finished the prayer, he placed her mission call on the podium in front of her. She had no idea that it had arrived, and then she bore her testimony in front of everyone. Super sly move by the Stake President haha. Then she had all her friends and family in the chapel that night to open her call, and she asked me to sing as part of the program! We decided I'd sing "Ill Go Where You Want Me to Go" and it went really well! I forgot how much I loved that song. And it was cool because thats what I sung before I opened my call, and now I'm here in Mexico singing it for someone else's mission call, but this time in Spanish! She has been called to serve in the Dominican Republic! What a fun night.

I love all of Alma 5 and the introspection that it provokes. Alma 5:19 says "I say unto you, can ye look up to God at that day with a pure heart and clean hands? I say unto you, can you look up, having the image of God engraven upon your countenances?" I love these questions because they act as goals for us. If we can answer yes to these questions, then we have accomplished our goal. We need to do everything we can to be as God with a pure heart and clean hands, having taken upon us the name of his Son. I love the Book of Mormon and all that it teaches and reminds us.

Have a buenissima semana!

Elder Millard

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