Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Doris Baptism!

Que honda carnales!?

It was a great week here in Huauchi! We had an amazing baptism for an hermana named Doris. She is a reference of a member, and every since we met her, she has progressed super well!! There is an experience from this week that I will never forget. Doris has had chronic pain in her neck, shoulder, and arm for several years so she asked me to give her a blessing. I felt very guided as I said the words of the blessing. When I finished the blessing, we saw Doris bawling. She said that during the blessing, she felt a tickling/soft pinching feeling that completely took away the pain in her arm!! We all marveled as we witnessed the power of the priesthood. I was amazed. We are truly so blessed to have the influence of the Melchezideck Priesthood again on the earth.

Sunday was Doris' baptism. Everything went super well! We had a young man whos about to leave on the mish baptize her. This coming Friday should be the baptism of her mom.

This week we also had the last leadership conference with Pres Kimball. It was fun to go back to Pachuca and see all the fellow zone leaders. Pres and Hermana Kimball will definitely be missed.

I love reading in Hebrews 7 where it talks about how Jesus Christ was a high priest from the order of Melchezideck. There is not a lot more information about that in the bible but from latter day revelation we have learned a lot more of this priesthood the Jesus Christ had and has. I feel so blessed to have seen the miracles and blessings of the power of God in my life.

Que estén muy bien!!

Elder Millard

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Huauchi round 2!

Buenas tardes familia y amigos! Como estan todos?

As the title explains, I will be staying here in Huauchi for the next cycle! That means Ill be "killing" my companion Elder Zufelt, he finishes his mission in June. We're excited to finish off strong and find more people!

Nothing too special this week, Ignasio who was supposed to be baptized this week unexpectedly had to go to the city of Puebla for a surgery for his dad for a week. Bummer. He should be coming back soon to continue with everything though!

We are getting a little tired of 12 people telling us that they'll with no doubt be at the church services, and then only 2-4 showing up. Its sadly something that happens to all missionaries during the entire mission at least where we are. We love when we find people who really keep their commitments, but its hard to see people who really have potential but theyre not willing to keep their word and do their part. We have some really cool references from a convert that will be getting baptized in these weeks and we are still looking for some cool people for June!

 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
I love these words from James 2. The importance for us to be doers of the word instead of just hearers is enormous. Many people here tell us that they believe in God. The culture here is very centered in God. For example always saying "God bless you" when saying goodbye. Or after every phrase saying "Thanks to God". But many are missing out on great blessing because they decided not to act on that faith. I hope we can all strive to be doers of the word of God and make sure we act with the faith we have. As we do so, we will see our testimonies grow immensely and we will feel greater love from our Heavenly Father.
Que estén muy bien!
Elder Millard 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mothers Day!!

Que tal mis amigos y familia!!?

It was a pretty chill week here in Huauchi! Lots of baptisimal interviews for the zone, and some exchanges with the Elders in Tulancingo! Ive never sweat more in my entire life from this 80% humidity but thats not gonna stop the work! Thats what we get for living in a beautiful green place, Ill take the trade-off.

Nothing too out of the ordinary this week. We are teaching a lot, and trying to find more investigators! We should be having a baptism this friday so thatll be great! It was super fun to talk to most of the family on mothers day! Its not quite as climactic now that we can call every week but it was still special since it was mothers day and a lot of the fam was over. What a special holiday mothers day is. Im so unbelievably grateful for my amazing mom and all that shes done for me. I definitely scored with getting Donna Millard as my mom, I look up to her in every way.
I want to end with Pauls words to the Ephesians.
Husbandslove your wiveseven as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 
For this cause shall man leave his father and mother, and shall be 
 joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 
The women in our lives deserve to be loved and appreciated! Have a great week everyone!

Elder Millard
statue of an indigenous woman from the north mountains in Puebla

Monday, May 6, 2019

Yahir Baptism!

Que tranza carnales?

Hows everyone doing? The mountains are absolutely gorgeous right now in Orem, I love that place. Huauchi is also very beautiful so Im doing just fine without my Orem mountains for now haha.

This week our zone had interviews with President Kimball, they went super good! It was our second to last interview with him. Our zone isnt doing too amazing so Elder Zufelt and I have been pretty busy with all of that.
This weekend we had a baptism! His name is Yahir. His family was baptized recently, but he didnt want to be baptized at that time. Our second week in this area, he told us that he changed his mind and that he wanted to get baptized! So we prepared him and had the service this saturday! Everything went smoothly! Now we'll be able to do all of the reteaching with all of the family together. Right after the baptism, we had a mothers day activity as a ward, we were able to get 12 investigators there which was awesome! Several members brought their friends and they all loved it!

Today during Pday we went to Xicotepec which is about a 30 minute combi drive from Huauchi. Its another really cool pueblo that has cool stuff! They have a humongous virgin Mary or "guadalupe" as they believe it. We also took a hike up to a huge glass cross with a cool view of the town. You can tell that the place is VERY Catholic, thats why theres a giant virgin there haha, but the missionaries there are gonna have three baptisms this month so we're happy for them!
I love this scripture in 1 Timothy:
Neither give heed to afables and endless genealogies, which bminister cquestions, rather than godly dedifying which is in faith: so do.  
Too often nowadays, we are swayed by fables of the world when we should truly be focusing on godly edifying material as the scripture describes it.

Que les vaya bien!

Elder Millard

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Exchanges in Huauchi!

Que tal, como estan todos??!?

Great week here in Huauchi! Its getting humider and humider every day. I feel like Im swimming when Im walking haha from how wet it is. Definitely different than Pachuca. Shoutout to my beautiful sister Maddi for graduating from the Y and my bro in law steve from Weber State! Also Happy Birthday to my old man and Jarrad! Sounds like it was a great weekend for the Millard fam.

On wednesday, the assistants (Elder Howell my trainer, and Elder Holgreen) came to do divisions in our area! It was super fun to have all four of us together, we're all best bros. We had to hike up to the top of a mountain to get to our lunch with a member and the assistants were dying from the humidity haha. It didnt help that we didnt really remember how to get there since wed only been once... whoops. We got there and during lunch my dad Elder Howell said "Did you guys realize that we are just four white guys sitting in a shack at the top of a mountain in Mexico eating cactus, eggs, tortillas, and coke??" hahahaaha I was dying. Sometimes we forget that it is not normal what we are doing. It was super fun though.
In the evening, Elder Holgreen came with me and we went to go contact new people. We found this guy named Ignasio who is soooo cool! He's just the most humble guy, He had a construction accident a while ago that wrecked his leg to the point where he can barely walk. Ever since then, his wife and kids all left him and now he lives in a little shack living on barely any many. There were several months where he survived off of eating rotten tortillas. I was amazed by his story and just felt so much compassion for him. We got to know him better, sang a hymn, and invited him to get baptized in May, and he accepted!! We are grateful to find people like him.

As for the other investigators, we are finding a lot of amazing people but who are never home and never come to church. My nightmare. They are always 100% sure they are coming and then they never do. Thats where we really find the people who are willing to accept the gospel. When they come to church, we know they are good.

On Friday we had a little talent show as a ward which was super fun! They asked me to play a song on piano and then sing Perfect by Ed Sheeran since a young man in the ward can play it. Of course I said yes, anything for my boy Ed. It was super fun to be a part of the show and get to know the members better! We're starting to get more references from them now. 

One thing Ive thought is really cool from the epistles of Paul in the New Testament is that most, if not all, of them start with the words "to the saints" of whichever place. It reminds me of Elder Uchdorfs testimony this past conference where he talked about the early day saints and the trials they went through. Now we are the latter day saints and the gospel hasnt changed! We can still find hope from those same epistles in the bible and other scriptures. We have another blessing of living prophets and apostles too to help in the journey. Lets take advantage!

Elder Millard


Como les ha ido!?? Saludos a todos de aqui en Huauchi!

What a great week full of the Easter spirit! It sounds like MVHS had a rocken choir tour, the fam is doing good, and time is flying!!

This week was really good for us! Its been a little bit harder to find new people but we are working hard to be able to get a lot of people for May! President said that if our mission can get 100 baptisms in May then we can go do a temple session and have our last zone conference with him in the chapel right next to the temple!! Oh thatd be so fun, its the same thing we did in my training but this time will be more special since its been several months since Ive been.

We had zone conference this week, so he had to go to Pachuca again.... haha I didnt realize the blessing I had when I was in Pachuca Centro, so close to everything. It was a great conference! I played and sung "because I have been given much" with a sister missionary, and I completely forgot how much I love that song! Great melody, and message, one of the favorites for sure. The conference was great. Hermana Kimball always has great messages. and Pres always does a great job motivating us! He will be missed in June. 

Easter was so amazing! I had a lot of time to reflect and read the last week of the saviors life in the four gospels of the new testament! I am amazed of everything that Christ did and how important it is. Something that my comp and I talked about in the zone training is how three of the gospels talk so much about how the apostles slept during Christs suffering in the garden of Gethsemane. I always found that really interesting. Why would almost half of the verses that talk about Christs suffering talk about the apostles sleeping? This is only the most important thing that has ever happened in the history of the world and it focuses so much on how the apostles slept! Must be for a reason. We also sleep at times, but spiritually. We are casual with are covenants and we cant "stay awake" with Christ for even one hour as the scriptures say. Christ has dont everything and sometimes we dont even take advantage and live the gospel! At the end of the story in Matthew. Christ tells the apostles to wake up!! We too need to wake up and start sharing this truth and being an example! We need to be better at sharing and giving happily "for God loveth the cheerful giver". Love you all! Lets awake up!


Elder Millard