Sunday, May 5, 2019


Como les ha ido!?? Saludos a todos de aqui en Huauchi!

What a great week full of the Easter spirit! It sounds like MVHS had a rocken choir tour, the fam is doing good, and time is flying!!

This week was really good for us! Its been a little bit harder to find new people but we are working hard to be able to get a lot of people for May! President said that if our mission can get 100 baptisms in May then we can go do a temple session and have our last zone conference with him in the chapel right next to the temple!! Oh thatd be so fun, its the same thing we did in my training but this time will be more special since its been several months since Ive been.

We had zone conference this week, so he had to go to Pachuca again.... haha I didnt realize the blessing I had when I was in Pachuca Centro, so close to everything. It was a great conference! I played and sung "because I have been given much" with a sister missionary, and I completely forgot how much I love that song! Great melody, and message, one of the favorites for sure. The conference was great. Hermana Kimball always has great messages. and Pres always does a great job motivating us! He will be missed in June. 

Easter was so amazing! I had a lot of time to reflect and read the last week of the saviors life in the four gospels of the new testament! I am amazed of everything that Christ did and how important it is. Something that my comp and I talked about in the zone training is how three of the gospels talk so much about how the apostles slept during Christs suffering in the garden of Gethsemane. I always found that really interesting. Why would almost half of the verses that talk about Christs suffering talk about the apostles sleeping? This is only the most important thing that has ever happened in the history of the world and it focuses so much on how the apostles slept! Must be for a reason. We also sleep at times, but spiritually. We are casual with are covenants and we cant "stay awake" with Christ for even one hour as the scriptures say. Christ has dont everything and sometimes we dont even take advantage and live the gospel! At the end of the story in Matthew. Christ tells the apostles to wake up!! We too need to wake up and start sharing this truth and being an example! We need to be better at sharing and giving happily "for God loveth the cheerful giver". Love you all! Lets awake up!


Elder Millard

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