Thursday, May 23, 2019

Huauchi round 2!

Buenas tardes familia y amigos! Como estan todos?

As the title explains, I will be staying here in Huauchi for the next cycle! That means Ill be "killing" my companion Elder Zufelt, he finishes his mission in June. We're excited to finish off strong and find more people!

Nothing too special this week, Ignasio who was supposed to be baptized this week unexpectedly had to go to the city of Puebla for a surgery for his dad for a week. Bummer. He should be coming back soon to continue with everything though!

We are getting a little tired of 12 people telling us that they'll with no doubt be at the church services, and then only 2-4 showing up. Its sadly something that happens to all missionaries during the entire mission at least where we are. We love when we find people who really keep their commitments, but its hard to see people who really have potential but theyre not willing to keep their word and do their part. We have some really cool references from a convert that will be getting baptized in these weeks and we are still looking for some cool people for June!

 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
I love these words from James 2. The importance for us to be doers of the word instead of just hearers is enormous. Many people here tell us that they believe in God. The culture here is very centered in God. For example always saying "God bless you" when saying goodbye. Or after every phrase saying "Thanks to God". But many are missing out on great blessing because they decided not to act on that faith. I hope we can all strive to be doers of the word of God and make sure we act with the faith we have. As we do so, we will see our testimonies grow immensely and we will feel greater love from our Heavenly Father.
Que estén muy bien!
Elder Millard 

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