Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mothers Day!!

Que tal mis amigos y familia!!?

It was a pretty chill week here in Huauchi! Lots of baptisimal interviews for the zone, and some exchanges with the Elders in Tulancingo! Ive never sweat more in my entire life from this 80% humidity but thats not gonna stop the work! Thats what we get for living in a beautiful green place, Ill take the trade-off.

Nothing too out of the ordinary this week. We are teaching a lot, and trying to find more investigators! We should be having a baptism this friday so thatll be great! It was super fun to talk to most of the family on mothers day! Its not quite as climactic now that we can call every week but it was still special since it was mothers day and a lot of the fam was over. What a special holiday mothers day is. Im so unbelievably grateful for my amazing mom and all that shes done for me. I definitely scored with getting Donna Millard as my mom, I look up to her in every way.
I want to end with Pauls words to the Ephesians.
Husbandslove your wiveseven as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 
For this cause shall man leave his father and mother, and shall be 
 joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 
The women in our lives deserve to be loved and appreciated! Have a great week everyone!

Elder Millard
statue of an indigenous woman from the north mountains in Puebla

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