Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Doris Baptism!

Que honda carnales!?

It was a great week here in Huauchi! We had an amazing baptism for an hermana named Doris. She is a reference of a member, and every since we met her, she has progressed super well!! There is an experience from this week that I will never forget. Doris has had chronic pain in her neck, shoulder, and arm for several years so she asked me to give her a blessing. I felt very guided as I said the words of the blessing. When I finished the blessing, we saw Doris bawling. She said that during the blessing, she felt a tickling/soft pinching feeling that completely took away the pain in her arm!! We all marveled as we witnessed the power of the priesthood. I was amazed. We are truly so blessed to have the influence of the Melchezideck Priesthood again on the earth.

Sunday was Doris' baptism. Everything went super well! We had a young man whos about to leave on the mish baptize her. This coming Friday should be the baptism of her mom.

This week we also had the last leadership conference with Pres Kimball. It was fun to go back to Pachuca and see all the fellow zone leaders. Pres and Hermana Kimball will definitely be missed.

I love reading in Hebrews 7 where it talks about how Jesus Christ was a high priest from the order of Melchezideck. There is not a lot more information about that in the bible but from latter day revelation we have learned a lot more of this priesthood the Jesus Christ had and has. I feel so blessed to have seen the miracles and blessings of the power of God in my life.

Que estén muy bien!!

Elder Millard

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