Monday, October 7, 2019

General Conference!

Como Vocés Estao!??

Haha im learning a little bit of portuguese thanks to my comp. Hows everyone going?? Wasnt conference incredible!? I loved all the sessions but sunday morning definitely won it for me! Its such a blessing to have living prophets! Its something that a lot of people dont know about, so share it with everyone!!

This week was soooo good! Weve been flying around our area for more lessons and we've had some really cool experiences! The most amazing miracle I've seen recently is a family that the parents smoked 10 cigarettes every day, and dont have basically any money. But with more lessons, and more reading the book of mormon, they have left completely their addictions and we've found the way for them to get married! So now they are set to be baptized this weekend!! The two parents and their daughter brenda who LOVES the church. They came to two session of general conference and they were just shining with hapiness! Theyre good friends with a lot of the members so theyre gonna fit right in. We love them! Next week Ill share the crazy story of how we found them!

Another highlight of this week was the leadership council we had with President. He discussed many topics that we as a mission need to improve. He and his wife got emotional in some parts talking about some more serious issues, and the spirit was sooooo strong. It reminded me of the scripture in D&C that talks about with the spirit you need to "reporove betimes with sharpness" and then love the person you corrected. We could feel that scripture come to life and I was able to feel the love and care that our president and his wife have for us!

I hope all of us can take a part of general conference and apply it into our life, and review these amazing talks to prepare for april! Remember that joy has very little to do with our situation, rather it has to do with what we're focused on!!

Les amo un buen!!

Elder Millard

Pic 1: MY BEST MISSION FRIEND ELDER CASSAT IS LEAVING ME IN A COUPLE WEEKS! If any of ya'll see him at BYU this coming semester, give him a hug for me
Pic 2: my comp lost his head hahahaha
Pic 3: A bridge over the freeway to mexico city! Were only 40 minutes away!

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