Thursday, October 17, 2019

Heriberto, Gisselle, and Brenda's Baptism!!

Como les va a todos!??

It was a super good week here in tiza!! The first highlight was the zone conference. President's words so sooo amazing and I think the mission is going to improve a lot. also drumroll..... an apostle is coming to the mission!!! Elder Cook was supposed to come a few months ago but it got canceled so we'll see who comes to visit us in november!! Im super stoked.

My favorite part of the week was the baptism for Heriberto and his wife and daughter!! They are super awesome, and super strong in the gospel!! The best part of the story is how we found him. my last comp Elder Castro and I were running a little late to an appointment but then all of a sudden it started raining SUPER but SUPER hard. So we had to find refuge in a close by taco stand. While we were waiting, I felt like I should contact this man who seemed like he was also waiting for the rain to pass by. He was super nice with us and accepted an appointment for a couple days later! And that was the start of everything! They were able to make some major life changes like smoking 10 cigarettes a day to 0... getting married (which took forever by the way) and starting to read and pray more! They are truly gonna be great converts. And little Brenda (11 years old) says she wants to be a missionary. This fam had met the missionaries like three years ago but they werent able to keep listening. Ever since then, theyve listened to different missionaries every once in a while but it wasnt until we met them that they decided to take the initiative and make the necessary life changes! We're so happy for them.

I finished the Old Testament this week! what an incredible book. I love the little bits and pieces we can learn about the priesthood and temple worship. There are so many little gems that teach us so much! It just makes me realize about how we really are in the "dispensation of the fulness of times" and all of those same things exist again to bless the lives of all of Gods children! 

Les quiero mucho!!

Elder Millard
The Gomez Gonzalez family! And Alex (on the left) a member friend who baptized them!

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