Monday, October 21, 2019

Rufino Baptism!

Como les va familia y amigos!?

Looks like the fall colors are taking over in Utah, so beautiful! Everything looks the same here haha.

We had a really good week! We've had some really good lessons, and our investigators are progressing very well! A highlight from one of the lessons was when we were teaching a new family, it was our first lesson. I felt impressed to talk about baptisms for the dead (Which we almost never talk about in the first lesson) and the lady started to get really emotional and she started talking about how her mom was a Jehovah's Witness and a few years ago she passed away. The lady feels that her mother is lost but when we explained that she can be baptized for her, she got super interested! Before the lessons started, they told us that they cant come to church because they work on sundays, and after the lesson they told us that they are goign to figure out the way to come to church. So awesome!

So the chapel for our ward is the stake center, but it is a relatively small building for a stake center (because its a new stake) so they actually closed the chapel to expand it into a bigger and better building. Which means that for 9 months-1 year we will be in a different building that we're renting. Its now a lot harder for the baptisms because we have to go clear to Pachuca. Its only 50 minutes away but the transport is kind of hard for these people who live paycheck by paycheck. We'll figure it out though! The new building is perfect! But all of the stairs make it hard for the old people. We have sacrament meeting on the third floor and theres a super cool view of all of the center of Tizyuca! 

This week we baptized Rufino! A few weeks ago he contacted us on the street (We love when that happens) and he's progressed really well ever since! His wife is (or was) a less active member and they just barely got married (theyre both widows). Its a miracle that they are legitimately married! We knew that was a good sign. He hasnt missed a sunday since and he was ready for baptism! We're happy for him and we know he'll be great in the church.

This week we also had interviews with our President! I respect this man soooo much and Im so grateful for such a great leader in our mission. He gave me hints that I might be leaving so I really need to make the best of these last two weeks in Tizayuca! 

This week I read a talk from Spencer W Kimball that he gave about 50 years ago. Its called The Years that the Locust Devoured ( I think thats what its called, thats the direct translation from Spanish but maybe the English title is different) but here are two quotes (that im paraphrasing) that I loved!

"dost thou love life? then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of."- benjamin franklin
“En la vida hay tres cosas que no vuelven atrĂ¡s: la flecha lanzada, la palabra pronunciada y la oportunidad perdida”  which means (in life there are three things that dont come back, the shot arrow, the pronounced word, and the past opportunity) it has a better ring to it in spanish haha

Les amo!!

Elder Millard

It's hard to be tall in the Combi...

Tizayuca catholic church. notice that the virigin "guaudalupe" is the center of attention

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