Monday, October 28, 2019

A NAKED Contact

Que tal a todos!?

I hope everythings going well back in O town! I love how winter is already showing its signs!! It looks so pretty! 99% of the people here have never seen snow so yall need to count your blessings haha. Theyve only seen it in movies!

This week was incredible!!! I enjoyed it so much. Here are some highlights

Last Monday, we woke up at the crack of dawn and went running to the top of the hill by our house! We got there early enough to watch sunrise. It was the perfect mexican scene. We had the hundreds of cactus by us, the stray dogs, the banda music in the background, dozens of half finished concrete houses, and a beautiful view of the plains and hills awaiting the sunset! Of course there were some people who came up to us and warned us about all the nacos or gang people who rob frequently in the area. Thats what completed the classic scene. There is no "secure" area in mexico haha but dont worry, we take care of ourselves.

On tuesday, I was on exchanges with Elder Maquin from Guatemala (his native language is Maya which is super cool) and we were contacting some new people at their houses. We knocked this mans door and he walked out COMPLETELY NAKED!!! hahahaha it definitely took me off guard. Elder Maquin was the one who started the contact and his view was obstructed by the car in the driveway, so he just that the man was shirtless but my view was definitely not obstructed hahahaha. The guy acted like nothing was out of the ordinary but maybe he had just forgot to put some pants on?? Ive had a lot of things happen while contacting but that was definitely a first. hahaha

On Thursday, we took a combi to get back to Quma which is the neighborhood that we live in. My comp and I were sitting up front which means we were the ones who passed the money off all the people in the combi when they approached their stop. Usually when people pass the money to someone else, they say something like "te molesto por favor" or "si me lo puedes pasar por favor" which mean like "excuse me, can you pass the money for me?" but theres also another phrase that is super funny that only like old people say which is "no sea malito... lo puedes pasar?". The "no sea malito" means like "dont be a bad person or dont be mean... and do this favor for me". So my comp and I acted like we didnt know each other and when he passed the money to me he said "no seas malito, puedes pasar el dinero" and there was a lady next to us who just bursted out laughing hahahaha. I think she realized that were not mexicans and we were just making fun of some of the sayings. After the laughter died down, of course we had to contact her. We got her info and she accepted an appointment! We went that same day and it looks like she has a lot of potential! She said she had been looking for a church to help her understand certain things... the Lord works in mysterious ways!

Several weeks ago, we found a lady named Gabriela who accepted us very well and had been progressing well ever since. She had the baptismal date planned and everything but two weeks ago at church, she told us "I think I may have already been baptized". She had told us previously that she investigated the church about 25 years ago but when we asked her specifically if she had been baptized, she said no! But on that sunday, we searched for her membership and sure enough, she was baptized about 25 years ago!! ahhhhhh it was kind of frustrating haha but at least we were able to activate her in the church again!

We have found some great families this week. Yesterday at church, 13 of the investigators were able to come which was a huge success! They all loved the reunion and it looks like they're all gonna progress well! God has blessed us with some great investigators.

I have been reading Jesus the Christ a lot recently and there are a lot of gems that I just love!! The one that comes to mind right now is how it was talking about the relationship of young Jesus and his parents. They apparently didnt quite understand 100% about the mission of their son. Jesus had to remind them in several occasions. But James E Talmage explained how that was actually a very crucial part of Jesus' childhood. If Mary and Joseph had understood their son and his mission completely, they wouldnt have been able to have a normal relationship between father and son, and mother and son. There were a lot of cool thoughts that I love about the childhood of Christ. He was perfectly prepared for his mission, everything happened exactly how it needed to.

Les amo!!

Elder Millard 

Pic 1: Cold mornings in Mexico
Pic 2: Combis stuck in traffic because of a high school parade
Pic 3: Elder Maquin in intercambios by the parade!

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