Sunday, July 12, 2020

Manuel's Baptism

Que onda familia y amigos!

Happy late valentines day! Our neighbors/landlords really showed their love with the apricot cake and Santa Clara milk they gave us that night! Blessings haha

This was a really really good week. We had interviews with Pachuca Sur, and we also had two different conferences. One with Valle del Mezquital and Tezontepec, and the other with Pachuca Sur, Pachuca Mexico, and Tizayuca. The Conferences went soooo good. Everything was really well prepared, they were some great musical numbers, and some very strong testimonies! Many missionaries told us that it was their favorite conference they've had on the mission.

This week we were able to do a lot more missionary work!! It's weird to be writing that sentence as a missionary haha. But this week we were able to contact a lot of new people in our spare time and we also went to a lot of lessons with president. After the conference in Tezontepec we went to a lesson in Mixquiahuala with President and Elders Rowley and Morales. It was a family that was super receptive and it was a pretty good lesson, I think they'll end up getting baptized. Then we went to Actopan to go to a different appointment. This one was really cool because President and Hermana Maldonado were able to participate a lot more to help the couple feel more comfortable about baptism. Hermana Maldonado got baptized at the age of 19. Beforehand, she was a hard core Catholic or in spanish (un Catolico de hueso colorado) haha but she took her time and really found her conversion. I love hearing their testimonies. The couple felt a lot better afterwards and they accepted a baptismal date!

The next day after the Pachucas and Tizayuca conference. President sent us to a nearby pueblo San Agustin to give a blessing to some hermanas misioneras' investigators. I gave a blessing to a 2 year old girl that doesnt have any strength in her legs and afterwards she just gave a really big smile which was super sweet. The mom and grandma felt a lot more calm after the blessings. 

On our way back home from the blessing, I got a call from my past companion Elder Cordeiro telling me that Manuel was gonna get baptized the next day and that he asked me to baptize him!!! So today I was able to baptize Manuel who was my investigator in Tizayuca and who couldnt get baptized because he wasnt married. But he just barely got married with his wife this week so they came down to villas for the baptism. I love how they have to come here for every baptism since their chapel is in construction! Its so convenient haha. President was able to come to the service too and it went really well!

Something that I really love that President shared in the zone conferences was from Exodus 33:1,3,12-16
The story is about how Moses was commanded to take the people to the promised land but since the people were being disobedient (with the idols and everything) Jehova told Moses that His presence would not go with him to the promised land. To which Moses responded "If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." eh. We can apply these words to our life. If the spirit isnt going to be with us, it is not possible to accomplish all things, so we need to stay where we are and figure out how to get the spirit back with us. Every day we should think about this before leaving. When we leave, is the spirit going to be with us? I invite you all to read those 7 verses that I put down. Its a great story!

I love you all!

Elder Millard 

Pic 3: Manuel's Baptism ft. my awkward arm because we were way too close together haha
pic 2: President going to the lessons!
pic 1: where we fill up our garrafon water almost weekly

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