Sunday, July 12, 2020


Feliz Navidad familia y amigos!!

Lets get straight to it... Christmas!! On Monday, Housley and I had to go to the stake center to unlock it and prepare everything for the christmas party for the whole mission. It was the first time that the whole mission has been together for a year and a half. Usually we do two different meetings, each with half of the mission, but the other meeting was scheduled for this past Saturday and they had to cancel it because there were rioters setting the freeway and everything on fire because people were protesting to get higher salaries for teachers haha. So we had the whole mission together and it went super well! We had a really good devotional at the beginning and then we had a talent show where my comp and I did some dope dances that we had been practicing. One of the was to Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande and the other was an island song that a Polly sister taught us all right before the conference. It went super well haha, President Kimball went up to the front to record it all haha. After, we ate tacos de Jabali which is wild boar and it was SOOO good holy crap. It was also a fortune to buy all of that food but we wont even get into that haha. It was fun to see and talk to everyone in all the mish and get to know the new kids too. To finish Christmas Eve off, Housley and I and a few other missionaries went to a members house for the Christmas Eve dinner which was also super fun.

Christmas Eve here is even more important than Christmas day. Its called NocheBuena and people always have humongous dinners with their fams. Its sad though because people celebrate the day of the Virgin Guadalupe more than they do Christmas here. Its the same case with the days the dedicated to celebrate the three wise men. I{m just sitting here thinking, who is the most important in this whole event__ But the people and the Catholic religion definitely have their traditions.

Christmas day went really well! President allowed us to sleep in a little bit so that was glorious haha, and then we went to a members house for the skype call! Everything went just fine until my incredible mom got in front of the screen for her personal time to talk to me and thats when I started to lose it a little bit gosh dangit. Haha but definitely was super fun to talk to the fam and hear their voices to them. Definitely super fun to talk to Maddi and Kenny in spanish too haha, that{ll be useful to have them after the mish to keep the spanish up.

After the video call, we went to the bishops house for the rest of the day to watch movies, play games and have some traditional food from England since thats where theyre from! It was super fun, what a great fam. There are still some times when I legit cant understand them because of their thick accent but it always makes for a good laugh when I find out what they were trying to say haha.

So overall, Christmas was definitely a success! It was a little disappointing seeing the lack of Christmas spirit here haha but that{s why we{re here to bring it up right_ But for real, what a special time of year to spread this special message of Jesus Christ and his church. Testifico que realmente la iglesia ha sido restaurada y que hay un plan de salvacion que Dios ha creado para nosotros. Si solamente seguimos fiel, heredaremos todas las bendiciones del senor como familia eternas. 

Feliz Navidad!!

Elder Millard

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