Sunday, July 12, 2020

Mission Accomplished

well........ that was the last thing I was expecting!!! I knew that it was a possibility of sending us home but I was thinking in at least a couple weeks to see if the situation got worse in Mexico. I found out on Sunday night that all American missionaries would be leaving the country immediately. You shouldve seen me pacing the kitchen with my 20 dollar brick phone texting Elder Cordeiro and Hermana Maldonado like a maniac. They were sending me all the information. I kind of wouldve liked to still be in the offices at that time to get all the first hand info.

I couldnt sleep on Sunday night. I couldnt believe what was happening! On Monday we finally found out when we were going to leave, wednesday morning! I had a pretty emotional call with my wonderful mom. Thats when my mind stopped denying what was happening and all the tears came. The mission was sweeped from right underneath me! It was just so fast. After getting all my feelings out in that video call, I felt a lot better. As soon as I had all the official information, and it wasnt just a rumor. I was at peace with what was gonna happen.

I had all of tuesday in full quarantine to pack and write everything down. I had time to reflect on all of my experiences. On tuesday night, we had a last minute devotional for all of the american missionaries. Luckily the members that were gonna take us to pachuca on wednesday morning, also took us tuesday night for the devo. We watched Elder Uchdorfs message to the missionaries and then we heard some testimonies from some missionaries. President called me as the last testimony. I shared Luke 9:62 " And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the aplough, and blooking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." which for some reason was the first scripture that came to mind! This is an opportunity to look forward and remember all the blessings God has given us.

Wednesday was pretty crazy. All the americans bussed off from the offices in pachuca after singing God be with you til we meet again, and headed off to the Mexico City airport. The airport was completely vacant! There were very few people there that werent missionaries. There were some flights canceled last second for the missionaries going to california, other places. Lots of missionaries had to do layovers in SLC since it was one of the few airports still accepting foreigners in the entire nation (thanks church). It was kind of a scary sight seeing a place that usually has thousands of people, empty expect for a few (almost all with masks).

The flight went by really fast. Ill never forget seeing our incredible mountains for the first time!! I didnt appreciate those babies before the mission! After customs and everything, I found my parents in the parking garage. My mom arms open waiting for me, what a glorious reuniting! Then my dad got out of the car for a hug as well. Ever since then, we havent been able to hug haha, and Ive had to keep the famous 6 ft away from everyone. On the way home, we took the turn to the street of my house, and my mom had me stand through the sunroof. We passed by all of the neighbors and friends that had parked on my street to create like a runway!! It was such a fun surprise to see all of them! Im blessed with the best ward, family, and friends! I was released the same night over facetime, and now Ive been getting back into the groove of everything.

These 22 months will never be forgotten. It was so beautiful to see God work in the lives of his Children and my life as well! The mission is so amazing, I cant imagine not having gone! I now have such a bigger perspective on whats most important and what kind of goals I need to make. The people of Mexico will be missed greatly. The food, the speedbumps, the super ugly banda music, the tacos, the rejections, the lessons, the members, the converts, working with President and Hermana Maldonado, my amazing companions, the 100% consecrated time to the Lord. Things that will definitely be missed. The good news is, though, that not a lot of that actually has to change! My Stake President Glover gave great advice to use the tag as a reminder to ask myself every day "Did I do that how I wouldve if I was still a full time missionary?". Really things dont have to change a lot if I keep these habits up. I thank God for this precious time Ive had, and for all of the life lessons I learned.

I'd also like to thank all of you and all of your support throughout these 22 months. Ive loved receiving emails, pictures, packages, and even just knowing that you've been on this adventure with me!

A new mission has started now. Im excited to use the knowledge of my savior to keep on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ while pursuing my future goals!

I love you all so much,

Robbie Millard

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